Looking to find a date in Knighton? Join UrbanSocial dating today. Welcome to UrbanSocial, the online dating site for sociable singles in Knighton looking to meet that someone special online.
Single men and women in Knighton and across the UK have been using the UrbanSocial online dating site since 2003. With over a decade of dating experience under our belts, lots of happy couples, and an award winning blog, we must be doing something right!
Modern day life is hectic, and singles everywhere are finding it increasingly difficult to find a partner to date. Online dating sites has become one of the most popular ways for singles to find love. Online dating in Knighton is quick and easy, with just a few steps required to get online and searching for other local singles. Start your dating journey now on UrbanSocial.
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Singles on Urbansocial.com local to Knighton are from the following areas - Knighton, Powys , Shropshire and counties and towns in the area
Rondar, 81 Near Knighton, Knighton, Herefordshire / Pow...
Marc, 50 Near Knighton, Knighton, Gwent / Powys
ROY, 59 Near Knighton, Knighton, Shropshire / Staffo...
Mike, 48 Near Knighton, Knighton, Shropshire / Staffo...
Chris, 54 Near Knighton, Knighton, West Glamorgan / Po...
have_a_go, 61 Knighton, Powys / Shropshire
presteignela, 53 Near Knighton, Knighton, Herefordshire / Pow...
Priorslee, 58 Near Knighton, Knighton, Herefordshire / Shr...
mjpr007, 56 Near Knighton, Knighton, Herefordshire / Pow...
DaveinWales, 55 Near Knighton, Knighton, Powys
Stonzi, 54 Near Knighton, Knighton, Powys / Shropshire
Shez, 40 Near Knighton, Knighton, Powys / Shropshire
Sally, 61 Near Knighton, Knighton, Powys / Shropshire
dawn, 46 Near Knighton, Knighton, Shropshire
Karoleanne, 67 Near Knighton, Knighton, Shropshire
H33, 48 Near Knighton, Knighton, West Glamorgan / Po...
mandy, 46 Near Knighton, Knighton, Herefordshire / Shr...
xbethanyx, 38 Near Knighton, Knighton, Powys / Shropshire
diana, 65 Near Knighton, Knighton, Powys / Shropshire
... trying to give up smoking i like being notice so i try different colours in my hair i find my hair impotant i like to feel good about myslef i am studying want to become a nurse i wrk at the weekend alot i am a bubbly person i like alaugh.
... slightly cynical but romantic divorcee who is looking for fun and possibly love. I have a six year old daughter who means the world to me. I like to flirt, laugh and just do normal stuff.
I'm not a millionaire, have lived a very interesting life so far and would like to meet funny, clever and beautiful women.
That's it, really.
... for a friend at this time. Looking for someone with a sense of humour to share days out, meals or even a visit to the cinema. .................................................................................................
Knighton and Powys dating website for single men and women in Knighton and surrounding counties. Free to join, photos, chat rooms, interest groups and private webmail