Looking for a date in Builth Wells? Find local singles online. Start online dating today with UrbanSocial, and find local singles in Builth Wells looking to meet that someone special.
If you're single and finding dating in Builth Wells not that easy, you're definitely not alone. That’s why so many single men and women are using trusted online dating sites to help them find love. UrbanSocial has been helping singles in Builth Wells and across the UK find a relationship since 2003.
There's no shortage of dating sites and apps to choose from these days. But UrbanSocial has over a decade of experience in making a success of online dating. helping genuine like-minded singles meet each other online. Our award winning dating blog also provides singles with help and dating advice on all aspects of single life and relationships. Sign up now and start your online dating journey with us.
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Singles on Urbansocial.com local to Builth Wells are from the following areas - Builth Wells, Powys and counties and towns in the area
Rondar, 81 Near Builth Wells, Builth Wells, Herefordshire / Pow...
Gareth, 44 Near Builth Wells, Builth Wells, Powys / Mid Glamorg...
Marc, 50 Near Builth Wells, Builth Wells, Gwent / Powys
Chris, 54 Near Builth Wells, Builth Wells, West Glamorgan / Po...
mjpr007, 56 Near Builth Wells, Builth Wells, Herefordshire / Pow...
presteignela, 53 Near Builth Wells, Builth Wells, Herefordshire / Pow...
have_a_go, 61 Near Builth Wells, Builth Wells, Powys / Shropshire
stoneheartz, 58 Near Builth Wells, Builth Wells, Powys
Amanda, 60 Near Builth Wells, Builth Wells, Herefordshire / Pow...
Stonzi, 54 Near Builth Wells, Builth Wells, Powys / Shropshire
H33, 48 Near Builth Wells, Builth Wells, West Glamorgan / Po...
Shez, 40 Near Builth Wells, Builth Wells, Powys / Shropshire
Sally, 61 Near Builth Wells, Builth Wells, Powys / Shropshire
crocodilegir, 49 Near Builth Wells, Builth Wells, Powys
Crazy Englis, 54 Near Builth Wells, Builth Wells, Mid Glamorgan / Pow...
... from it all and would love to share all these special qualities with a similar delicious man!
... with dreams and goals! If I want something I will work 100% until I achieve it. I'm a happy go lucky person. I love work and enjoy the challenges im faced with every day. I enjoying amateur dramatics, with doing local performances. I am new to the area, originally being from Pembrokershire, so looking for new friends and who knows from there.
... but can talk about anything especially my feelings. I have a great ambition to forfill all my dreams and desires. I love kids and i like learning new skills. travel is my love and i also love chilling out and listening to music. Looking for close Freindship and may be love again who knows, with someone who is like minded and very caring about all around them, and a great laugh too.
... young! ! in May 2010 going on 46!!! now on my own, Its fine most of the time, but. the icing on the cake would be the company of a gentleman friend,for weekends away, going to nice restaurants trips to the sun,days out etc. I have a nice lifestyle great kids and fantastic grandkids,who I have special times with,also I have a group of close friends, for outings, hols, etc.Rock Climbing, Sky Diving, Caving,White water rafting to name just a few that I don't do Ha!! that had you...(more)
... (trainee) ex IT professional - lastminute.com & RBS etc who loves the outdoor life and working environment. I take time to see the bees buzzing and the clouds passing by, and see the roses tint in my glasses. My glass is half full and I breathe oxygen on this strange orb that we all live upon floating in space. Gasping for life, and understanding the balance nature has bestowed upon us. I am here for just a very short time slot, and am enjoying every second. Also in to the of...(more)
Builth Wells and Powys dating website for single men and women in Builth Wells and surrounding counties. Free to join, photos, chat rooms, interest groups and private webmail