Looking for a date in Brecon/Talgarth? Find local singles online. Start online dating today with UrbanSocial, and find local singles in Brecon/Talgarth looking to meet that someone special.
If you're single and finding dating in Brecon/Talgarth not that easy, you're definitely not alone. That’s why so many single men and women are using trusted online dating sites to help them find love. UrbanSocial has been helping singles in Brecon/Talgarth and across the UK find a relationship since 2003.
There's no shortage of dating sites and apps to choose from these days. But UrbanSocial has over a decade of experience in making a success of online dating. helping genuine like-minded singles meet each other online. Our award winning dating blog also provides singles with help and dating advice on all aspects of single life and relationships. Sign up now and start your online dating journey with us.
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Singles on Urbansocial.com local to Brecon/Talgarth are from the following areas - Brecon/Talgarth, Powys and counties and towns in the area
Gareth, 44 Near Brecon/Talgarth, Brecon/Talgarth, Powys / Mid Glamorg...
Marc, 50 Near Brecon/Talgarth, Brecon/Talgarth, Gwent / Powys
Rondar, 81 Near Brecon/Talgarth, Brecon/Talgarth, Herefordshire / Pow...
Chris, 54 Near Brecon/Talgarth, Brecon/Talgarth, West Glamorgan / Po...
mart30, 51 Near Brecon/Talgarth, Brecon/Talgarth, Powys / Mid Glamorg...
mjpr007, 56 Near Brecon/Talgarth, Brecon/Talgarth, Herefordshire / Pow...
presteignela, 53 Near Brecon/Talgarth, Brecon/Talgarth, Herefordshire / Pow...
Denny, 65 Near Brecon/Talgarth, Brecon/Talgarth, West Glamorgan / Po...
Andrew, 47 Near Brecon/Talgarth, Brecon/Talgarth, West Glamorgan / Po...
Amanda, 60 Near Brecon/Talgarth, Brecon/Talgarth, Herefordshire / Pow...
H33, 48 Near Brecon/Talgarth, Brecon/Talgarth, West Glamorgan / Po...
Stonzi, 54 Near Brecon/Talgarth, Brecon/Talgarth, Powys / Shropshire
Shez, 40 Near Brecon/Talgarth, Brecon/Talgarth, Powys / Shropshire
Sally, 61 Near Brecon/Talgarth, Brecon/Talgarth, Powys / Shropshire
crocodilegir, 50 brecon, Brecon/Talgarth, Powys
Crazy Englis, 54 Near Brecon/Talgarth, Brecon/Talgarth, Mid Glamorgan / Pow...
... very much a peoples person. My friends say that i am a joy to be with and that i make anyone that i meet feel at ease.
At the end of the day i was in a Marriage for 18 yrs of which i had two wonderful children. I am seperated and i am getting divorced. I now know with such wonderful friends that i am a lovely lady with so much to give. My idea of a great hot saturday is having great friends for a BBQ with fine wines and cool beers, best of all fantas...(more)
... year, and live in a rural village - so not much chance of meeting anyone below the age of 60! i'm an art teacher and love making all sorts of everything from ceramic sculpture to period corset making. i'm curvy, vivacious, fun and going to waste! someone snap me up before i top myself!
i'm looking for someone arty/musician/bohemian type, preferably with long hair (but not compulsory!) not picky about age, profession or anything like that, as long as you have similar in...(more)
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