Looking to find a date in Ledbury? Join UrbanSocial dating today. Welcome to UrbanSocial, the online dating site for sociable singles in Ledbury looking to meet that someone special online.
Single men and women in Ledbury and across the UK have been using the UrbanSocial online dating site since 2003. With over a decade of dating experience under our belts, lots of happy couples, and an award winning blog, we must be doing something right!
Modern day life is hectic, and singles everywhere are finding it increasingly difficult to find a partner to date. Online dating sites has become one of the most popular ways for singles to find love. Online dating in Ledbury is quick and easy, with just a few steps required to get online and searching for other local singles. Start your dating journey now on UrbanSocial.
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Singles on Urbansocial.com local to Ledbury are from the following areas - Ledbury, Gloucestershire , Herefordshire and counties and towns in the area
tony, 65 ledbury, Ledbury, Gloucestershire / H...
Martin, 48 Near Ledbury, Ledbury, Herefordshire / Wor...
G, 59 Near Ledbury, Ledbury, Herefordshire / Wor...
Brian, 47 Near Ledbury, Ledbury, Gloucestershire
paul7019, 55 Near Ledbury, Ledbury, Gloucestershire
Ian, 51 Near Ledbury, Ledbury, Herefordshire / Wor...
rob, 49 Near Ledbury, Ledbury, Gloucestershire / A...
David, 56 Near Ledbury, Ledbury, Gloucestershire / A...
Trevor, 41 Near Ledbury, Ledbury, Herefordshire / Wes...
paulms, 49 Ledbury, Gloucestershire / H...
huggy, 50 town, Ledbury, Gloucestershire / H...
Becky, 52 Near Ledbury, Ledbury, Gloucestershire
Jane, 53 Near Ledbury, Ledbury, Gloucestershire / H...
Heidi, 42 Near Ledbury, Ledbury, Gloucestershire
smile622, 48 Near Ledbury, Ledbury, Gloucestershire
louise, 51 Near Ledbury, Ledbury, Herefordshire / Wor...
brightstar, 45 Near Ledbury, Ledbury, Gloucestershire / A...
Helen, 46 Near Ledbury, Ledbury, Gloucestershire / A...
Amanda, 43 Near Ledbury, Ledbury, Somerset / Gloucest...
siaran, 48 Near Ledbury, Ledbury, Somerset / Gloucest...
Debz, 47 Near Ledbury, Ledbury, Herefordshire / Wes...
chowjh, 35 Near Ledbury, Ledbury, Herefordshire / Wor...
... I can spend the rest of my days with. If we end up just being friends we have gained. If things develop into something more we have gained so much more. I enjoy sailing, surfing and kayaking and looking to some horse riding soon.
... chill out listen to good music with a glass of wine or going out with friends ,spending time with the family ,going out for meals, like to meet someone also fun loving and enjoys life
... my son joe, who is the joy of my life, need to rebuild againafter being cheated on .again, work for myself as a commercial vehicle dealer, you don"t meet many women at a van sale,can"t go out much because of joe, so tend to go out early with him, and come back early.
... at the age of 37 .. now its time i had sum fun been looking for a wile but no luck yet ..........................................................................................................
Ledbury and Gloucestershire dating website for single men and women in Ledbury and surrounding counties. Free to join, photos, chat rooms, interest groups and private webmail