Interested in Tenbury Wells dating? Start online dating today!. Welcome to UrbanSocial - the online dating site for sociable local singles in Tenbury Wells and across the UK looking to find that someone special to date.
Looking for a date in Tenbury Wells? UrbanSocial online dating has been bringing genuine singles from across the UK together online for over a decade. With a wealth of experience behind us, our dating site has become an established and trusted brand in the industry. With an award winning blog, 24 hour customer support and a fully mobile site that is safe and secure, our singles are in good hands. It's also quick and easy to join, taking just a few minutes to register and browse local singles in Tenbury Wells and nearby.
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Singles on local to Tenbury Wells are from the following areas - Tenbury Wells, Herefordshire , Shropshire , Worcestershire and counties and towns in the area
G, 59 Near Tenbury Wells, Tenbury Wells, Herefordshire / Wor...
Martin, 48 Near Tenbury Wells, Tenbury Wells, Herefordshire / Wor...
Ian, 51 Near Tenbury Wells, Tenbury Wells, Herefordshire / Wor...
Kazz, 45 Near Tenbury Wells, Tenbury Wells, Herefordshire / Wes...
Trevor, 41 Near Tenbury Wells, Tenbury Wells, Herefordshire / Wes...
Bill, 74 Near Tenbury Wells, Tenbury Wells, Herefordshire / Wor...
Mike, 48 Near Tenbury Wells, Tenbury Wells, Shropshire / Staffo...
ROY, 59 Near Tenbury Wells, Tenbury Wells, Shropshire / Staffo...
David, 62 Near Tenbury Wells, Tenbury Wells, Herefordshire / Shr...
kohta, 40 Near Tenbury Wells, Tenbury Wells, Herefordshire / Wor...
Michael, 55 Near Tenbury Wells, Tenbury Wells, Herefordshire / Wor...
Rachael, 41 Near Tenbury Wells, Tenbury Wells, Herefordshire / Wor...
louise, 51 Near Tenbury Wells, Tenbury Wells, Herefordshire / Wor...
caringgirl11, 47 Near Tenbury Wells, Tenbury Wells, Herefordshire / Wor...
Debz, 47 Near Tenbury Wells, Tenbury Wells, Herefordshire / Wes...
dawn, 46 Near Tenbury Wells, Tenbury Wells, Shropshire
Hannah, 41 Near Tenbury Wells, Tenbury Wells, Gloucestershire / H...
Jane, 53 Near Tenbury Wells, Tenbury Wells, Gloucestershire / H...
mandy, 46 Tenbury Wells, Herefordshire / Shr...
Becci, 39 Near Tenbury Wells, Tenbury Wells, Herefordshire / Wor...
cindy, 71 Near Tenbury Wells, Tenbury Wells, Herefordshire / Wor...
sharon, 61 Near Tenbury Wells, Tenbury Wells, Herefordshire / Wor...
... impulsive.
Love the countrylife & travelling abroad.
My best friend is my horse, but l really would like someone extra special to take her place.
Is it you?
... a friendly person who is looking to find somebodywith similar interests and hobbies but at the same time likes to do things independantly also. my friends are important to me and so are my animals. I love the outdoors whatever the weather, and am also a bit of an adrenaline junkie and will have a goa t most things at least once.
... exception of my life partner, who is a cross between an Alsation, a Rhodesian Ridgeback and goodness knows what else. He was a naughty boy but now knows his place.
I live in a small rented house in a small market town. After so many years in cities it is a welcome break.
I am unemployed as a result of redundancy, but after a hectic life style it has bee a revelation to learn what it is like to slow down, take a breath, actually lift ones chin and look a...(more)
... and water. She could spend whole day in her bad. She adores chocolate ice cream and dancing in the rythm of her favourite music. Also, she is very friendy and reliable person. She could be your best friend if you are worth it!
... and lives in the outdoors and likes a whole lot more!!!!!!!!!
I also like working out and travelling to as many destinations as posible,
Tenbury Wells and Herefordshire dating website for single men and women in Tenbury Wells and surrounding counties. Free to join, photos, chat rooms, interest groups and private webmail