 Personal Profiles
Personal Profiles - whats it all about? |
'What's it all about?' Glossary
Online dating
Personal Profiles
Searching for Singles
Singles Nights
Speed Dating
Mini Dating
Personal Profiles |
Personal Profiles – Online dating sites use personal
profiles to allow members to search for other singles, and
get in touch online. Personal profiles give an overview of
each member, including physical attributes such as age,
height, profession, as well as interests and hobbies. Singles
also have the opportunity to post up a photo of themselves.
Singles who add a photo to their profile are at least four
times more likely to be contacted by other members.

Online Dating Members |
country boy, 60

Annie, 45

Simon, 45

Jen, 53

Andy, 53

alison, 52

Irving, 64

linda, 53

|  |

Online Dating Members |