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... the shelf... looking to broaden horizons with some companionship and fun times
... meet some like minded females
... a geek, I'll admit up front! I guess most of all I love making things. Very much into electronics, model engineering, crafts in general. My parents have a jewellery business, so I love that sort of stuff.
I'd love to meet someone with, well, interests! It seems nobody today has actual hobbies or interests. I'm not one for the whole clubbing/drinking/shopping bit, but I don't really mind.
Love being outdoors, cycling or jogging, although I don't do it as much ...(more)
... looking to meet new people with similar interests. A weegie at heart, so luckily slap-bang in middle between Glasgow and Edinburgh. A wee bit about me - I love animals and work for an animal charity, so that's a big part of my life. I spend a lot of time dog walking and am always on the hunt for a dog-friendly local pub! When I go out I love a bit of stand-up comedy, gigs and festivals, I'm a pub quiz demon (in that I get carried away and forget I'm actually rubbish!...(more)