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... to smile again, not done it in quite some time , with moving and everything in life! Not that im a depressive person ! lol
Im the type of guy thats up for a laugh and a glass of wine with the gals but can hang out with the lads with a beer watching sport on tv
... gowing kinda fella. who just likes to injoy life and wants to find the right girl to injoy life with. being hurt to mutch in the past wanting to settel down a bit more now. am a roofer and worck all over the coun try my base is in invrness. andi i worck for macleod roofing. am 6ft 2 very tand blue eyes dark hair. smoke but trying so hard to give up. veary healthy and ready to find my prinsess. : ) so if your out there misses wright plz dr0p bye : )
... add a bit of fun to my life - why do these things alwys want you to write a novel!! Will updatë further when I have more time and can think what to write! oh my goodness it still wants more!