Meet singles in Knebworth on Urbansocial, a dating site for singles looking to meet new people online. Our dating network has single men and women from Knebworth and across the UK, looking to find love locally. It's completely free to join our dating site, and search for Knebworth singles. You could be connecting with singles in Knebworth in a matter of minutes.
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... mum looking 4 love, my kids r my life but would b nice to have someone 2 share that all with its a lonely world on your own, my life is far from normal my house is mad, get in touch if your brave if not good luck 2 u all,
... somewhat naive person. II would definitely like to meet someone who is honest too. Many of my close friends have that quality and I feel that is as good a starting point as any. i have supportd Arsenal since chlldhood and would like to think of myself as a fan as opposed to a fanatic. I have a lovely social life, am blessed with many good friends and always keen to make more. ......................
... in the Knebworth/Stevenage area looking to meet someone new! I would much prefer a night in with a bunch of friends or heading to the pub, rather then going out to a club. I love to travel, camp, and go scuba diving.
... loving person who enjoys chatting, llistening and laughing over a nice bottle of red wine.
To be updated