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... , spontaneous , Work hard play hard ethic ,
exercise is important so love the outdoors be it on the fells road or forrest trails
run hike bike or walk all good to me! love good food and wine, live music,
have to have a snow & ice fix once a year!
Good Coffee!
If you like similar lets catch up!
... loving women who likes to garden and go out for meals, I am very good company and I drive,I always have a smile on my face and make people feel good. I'm the life and soul of the party.
... people with respect. Enjoys a good laugh and is game for anything
... and interesting people. I can appear confident, and am good company but also enjoy the peace of the hills around wh�re I live. I'm a good listener, have lead an unusual life and am open minded. I would like to find a soul mate but it would be great to find someone who enjoyed life and could become a friend first.