online dating USA, Lewiston dating, singles in Lewiston

Lewiston Dating Site

Single and looking to meet that someone special in Lewiston? Join UrbanSocial dating today!


Join for Free Now!

Urban Social has single men and women from Lewiston and nearby looking to meet someone special.

UrbanSocial Online Dating

The UrbanSocial dating site has been connecting local single men and women for romance and relationships for over a decade, since way back in 2003. While so many online dating sites have been and gone in this time, UrbanSocial is still connecting singles online year after year. Is it time you joined one of the best dating sites for singles looking for love, and start dating in Lewiston?

An award-winning blog, countless success stories from happy couples, a reponsive customer support team on hand, data protection policies, and local search facilities in place continues to make UrbanSocial a popular choice for singles looking for a safe and reliable online dating site.

Connecting Singles in Lewiston

If you're looking to meet local singles near you in Lewiston, UrbanSocial can help. All profiles are verified for authenticity to ensure singles are only ever meeting genuine local singles online. Our search options also means it's quick and easy to find the type of like-minded local singles in Lewiston you're wanting to meet. Our secure messaging system also means you can connect online with other singles safely and privately at a time that suits you.

Register for free today and start meeting people online near you in Lewiston on UrbanSocial dating.

Meet Singles Online Now

Single Men online:
  • David 57
  • Ian 55
  • James 42
  • mark 46
  • KalK27 41
  • matt10w 51
  • Andy 47
  • carpe di.. 47
Single Women online:
  • Claire 48
  • Erica 44
  • susan 43
  • Kate 45
  • Mgnx33 50
  • brightst.. 44
  • Anna 44
  • JO 51

Online Dating in Lewiston - Connecting Singles

Singles on UrbanSocial US local to Lewiston are from the following areas - Lewiston, Maine and counties and towns in the area.

Maine dating website for single men and women in Maine and the surrounding area. 10+ years experience and free to join.

Meet Singles in Lewiston

Local Single Men
Jerry - Member

Jerry, 50

Maine, Lewiston
Mike - Member

Mike, 32

Maine, Lewiston
Wesley - Member

Wesley, 32

Maine, Lewiston
Walter - Member

Walter, 54

Maine, South Portland
Jason - Member

Jason, 43

Maine, South Portland
Arash - Member

Arash, 23

Maine, Lubec
Wahid - Member

Wahid, 21

Maine, Lubec
Local Single Women
Cindy - Member

Cindy, 51

Maine, Lewiston
Beth - Member

Beth, 50

Maine, Rockland
Elizabeth - Member

Elizabet.., 29

Maine, York Harbor
Maureen - Member

Maureen, 53

Maine, Rumford
Kathy - Member

Kathy, 60

Maine, Lubec
Rose - Member

Rose, 57

Maine, Lubec
Lori - Member

Lori, 52

Maine, Old Town