online dating USA, Jersey City dating, singles in Jersey City

Jersey City Dating Site

Find singles in Jersey City today on UrbanSocial - the online dating site connecting local singles in Jersey City.

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Join our dating network of local single men and women in Jersey City looking to find that someone special.

UrbanSocial Local Dating Site

UrbanSocial has been bringing singles together online since back in 2003. With over a decade of online dating experience and countless happy couples who have found their someone special, UrbanSocial is one of the original and best dating sites around. Our award-winning blog gives all singles useful dating advice, from how to get the most out of a dating profile, to dealing with break-ups and first dates. Singles in Jersey City and across USA can be safe in the knowledge that all member data is kept safe and secure. So you can concentrate on connecting with local singles near you. Our customer support team is always on hand to answer or help.


Meet Singles in Jersey City

Join UrbanSocial and within a few minutes you can start searching for local singles near you in Jersey City. Our search features allow singles to narrow down the sort of local singles in Jersey City they are looking to meet. Find singles that share the same interests as you, and are looking for the same things in life. Connect online using a secure and private messaging system, allowing you to make contact safely at a time that suits you. Why restrict yourself to only meeting singles that you might cross paths with in your daily life. Get online, and start connecting with lots of local singles you might otherwise never had the opportunity to meet.

Sign up for free today and start your search for local singles in Jersey City on UrbanSocial dating.

Meet Singles Online Now

Single Men online:
  • Edmac78 45
  • Ed 52
  • simon 53
  • Neil 42
  • Dan 52
  • Nick 42
  • Andyg13 42
  • Leigh 56
Single Women online:
  • Susan 49
  • AMANDA 55
  • cate 50
  • Liz80 44
  • cheekych.. 49
  • rwa 48
  • AnneC 63
  • Silvia 49

Online Dating in Jersey City - Connecting Singles

Singles on UrbanSocial US local to Jersey City are from the following areas - Jersey City, New Jersey and counties and towns in the area.

New Jersey dating website for single men and women in New Jersey and the surrounding area. 10+ years experience and free to join.

Meet Singles in Jersey City

Local Single Men
Eizoe - Member

Eizoe, 40

New Jersey, Jersey City
David - Member

David, 25

New Jersey, Jersey City
Lee - Member

Lee, 42

New Jersey, Princeton Junction
Eizoe - Member

Eizoe, 40

New Jersey, Jersey City
Ian - Member

Ian, 29

New Jersey, Palmyra
Charles - Member

Charles, 55

New Jersey, Oceanville
Justin - Member

Justin, 34

New Jersey, Pennsville
Local Single Women
Nadirah - Member

Nadirah, 34

New Jersey, Jersey City
Latifah - Member

Latifah, 32

New Jersey, Jersey City
Tracy - Member

Tracy, 35

New Jersey, Carlstadt
Jay - Member

Jay, 45

New Jersey, Neptune
Jaime - Member

Jaime, 35

New Jersey, Hoboken
Alison - Member

Alison, 51

New Jersey, Franklin Lakes
Tonisha - Member

Tonisha, 27

New Jersey, Willingboro