Dating profile for Jessyat aged 40 from Oxford who works in Designer

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Jessyat, 45

from Brighton, Eastbourne from Oxford

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GenderFemale, Straight
Looking forLove
Star SignSagittarius
HairLight Brown, Average
EthnicityWhite, Caucasian
Smokes?Don't Smoke
Drinks?Don't Drink
About Jessyat

"SIMPLE ELEGANCE" is how people describe me. I value the simple things in life ,romantic picnics on the beach, snuggling in bed and listening to rain tap on the windows, discovering something new every day, holding hands under the tablë at dinner parties. I value honesty in people. I'm down to earth and practical- tackling things I've never tried before. I love trying to do home repairs but know when to call in the professionals. I also love to get dressed up and go out somewhëre special! I've had a successful and fun business career that allowed me to travel quite a bit. I love to laugh, even when it's at myself- which happens more than I would like

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More about Jessyat: Jessyat is a 45 year old female from Oxford who works in Designer. Jessyat is blue eyed with an average/medium build and is a Sagittarius.

I like : Gym , Scuba Diving , Mountaineering, Sky diving , Baseball, Car Racing , Pool, Mountain Biking, Golf, Polo, Tennis , Sailing, Snooker, Pilates , Snowboarding, Poker

My Likes
like no.1 walking
like no.2 Running
like no.3 cooking
My Dislikes
dislike no.1 riding
dislike no.2
dislike no.3
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