Dating profile for Camila_G aged 40 from Clapham Common, London, South West who works in Administrative, Secretarial

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Camila_G, 51

from Brighton, Eastbourne from Clapham Common, London, South West

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GenderFemale, Straight
Looking forLove
Star SignAquarius
UniversityNot Applicable...
HairDark Brown, Shoulder
ProfessionAdministrative, Secretarial
EthnicityWhite, Caucasian
Smokes?Don't Smoke
Drinks?Drink Socially
About Camila_G

Hmmm, well wh�re to I start?! I'd describe myself as being a friendly, easy-going person who can adjust to many different situations. I consider myself as having a sensitive character and also very empathetic towards others.

To me, my friends and family are important and if they have a problem, I'd put them first. Enjoy socialising with my friends, meeting them for drinks, cinema and just a chat.

One of my passions is photography and wh�rever possible I like to take my camera whenever I go out. Love spending time in and also outdoor activities, drives & walks out in the coun try and occasional running.

Travel and exploring different cultures is important to me, and whenever I can, I enjoy going to some far & exotic destination.

So, a summary on my personality would be that I am a good listener, enjoy talking and sometimes making people laugh I feel I have a quiet and calm nature, but also confident.

Camila_G has 0 online dating photo

More about Camila_G: Camila_G is a 51 year old female from Clapham Common, London, South West who works in Administrative, Secretarial. Camila_G is brown eyed with an average/medium build and is a Aquarius.

I like : Abseiling, Bungee Jumping, Swimming, Pool, Jogging

Camila_G has travelled to 18 countries including Spain, Chile, Iceland, Malta, Sweden, Poland, Bolivia, Vatican City, South Africa, United States of America, Argentina, Netherlands, Canada, Italy, Peru

Camila_G would love visit 70 countries including Mexico, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, San Marino, Cape Verde, Andorra, Namibia, New Zealand, Malawi, Tonga and 60 more

My Likes
like no.1 Travelling
like no.2 Photography
like no.3 Cinema
My Dislikes
dislike no.1 Olives
dislike no.2 Arrogance
dislike no.3 Arguments
My Favourite
Favourite film FilmClose Encounters of the Third Kind & many other films
Favourite book/author BookGirl In a Coma by Douglas Coupland and lots of other books
Favourite album/band MusicThe XX; The Gotan Project, Manu Chao & lots of other music
Favourite holiday HolidayChile, Argentina, Bolivia, Peru, Australia, SA & Europe