Dating profile for Lollipop aged 40 from Oxford who works in Student

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Lollipop, 45

from Brighton, Eastbourne from Oxford

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GenderMale, Straight
Looking forA flirt
Star SignPisces
HairBlack, Average
Smokes?Don't Smoke
Drinks?Drink Socially
About Lollipop

Just moved to Oxford for my Masters. I'm playful, fun and insightful. I like to explore people's dirty little secrets. I have a passion for art and traveling.
All I really want is to have a good time while in the UK. I have a very very hectic schedule so I cannot promise anything serious for now... no, seriously, I mean it. But I do love to meet new people and have a good time. So, if you are up for it dr0p me a line...

Lollipop has 1 online dating photos

More about Lollipop: Lollipop is a 45 year old male from Oxford who works in Student. Lollipop is brown eyed with an athletic build and is a Pisces.

I like : Pool, Mental Sports (e.g. Sudoku)

Lollipop has travelled to 4 countries including Italy, United States of America, Japan, Mexico

My Likes
like no.1 intellectual challenges
like no.2 cats
like no.3 good food
My Dislikes
dislike no.1 taking things too seriously
dislike no.2 small talk
dislike no.3
My Favourite
Favourite film Film
Favourite book/author BookFreakonomics
Favourite album/band MusicMarilyn Manson
Favourite holiday Holiday