Dating profile for RachyBristol aged 40 from Bath who works in Tell you later

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RachyBristol, 38

from Brighton, Eastbourne from Bath

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GenderFemale, Straight
Looking forLove
Star SignCancer
HairBlack, Long
BuildTell you later
ProfessionTell you later
EthnicityWhite, Caucasian
ReligionTell you later
Smokes?Tell you later
Drinks?Drink Regularly
About RachyBristol

My names Rachy, im 24 years old from bristol but more towards the bath side. Im outgoing bubbly and like to socialise and have a good time! Im not sure who i wanna meet till i find him! ha my ideal fella is the 'jason statham' type... but then again personality is a big thing and someone who makes me smile everyday!!!

RachyBristol has 3 online dating photos

More about RachyBristol: RachyBristol is a 38 year old female from Bath who works in Tell you later. RachyBristol is grey eyed with an tell you later build and is a Cancer.

I like : Dancing - Ballet/Tap/Modern

RachyBristol has travelled to 12 countries including Ireland, Spain, United States of America, Iceland, Tunisia, Finland, South Africa, Brazil, Egypt, France, Netherlands, Turkey

RachyBristol would love visit 10 countries including Barbados, Italy, Laos, Dominican Republic, Antigua and Barbuda, Sri Lanka, The Bahamas, Australia, Kenya, Thailand

My Likes
like no.1 Dancing
like no.2 Socialising
like no.3 Shopping
My Dislikes
dislike no.1 Jealousy
dislike no.2
dislike no.3
My Favourite
Favourite film FilmForest Gump, ps i love you, the hangover
Favourite book/author Book
Favourite album/band MusicVairiety
Favourite holiday HolidaySun :D