Dating profile for NATALYA2010 aged 40 from Manchester who works in Medical, Dental

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NATALYA2010, 42

from Brighton, Eastbourne from Manchester

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GenderFemale, Straight
Looking forLove
Star SignAries
HairDark Blonde, Long
ProfessionMedical, Dental
Smokes?Don't Smoke
Drinks?Don't Drink
About NATALYA2010

I search for second half with which I could create strong, happy family. The person is necessary to me
Which would love me and it was possible to rely on him a difficult minute. To me it is necessary hardworking
Sincere, and cheerful the man. For me the main thing in men its love. I wish to find the man with
Which to me will be well, easy, it is cheerful also our life will be only in understanding and the consent.
I shall make all that we with it were happy also our love was eternal.

NATALYA2010 has 1 online dating photos

More about NATALYA2010: NATALYA2010 is a 42 year old female from Manchester who works in Medical, Dental. NATALYA2010 is brown eyed with an athletic build and is a Aries.

I like : Golf, Water-Polo, Table Tennis, Aerobics , Badminton, Swimming

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My Favourite
Favourite film FilmTitanik
Favourite book/author BookNovels
Favourite album/band MusicKaty Perry
Favourite holiday Holidayread