Dating profile for CJ78 aged 40 from Tunbridge Wells, Brighton who works in Other

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CJ78, 47

from Brighton, Eastbourne from Tunbridge Wells, Brighton

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GenderFemale, Straight
Looking forA bit of fun
Star SignCapricorn
HairDark Brown, Shoulder
EthnicityWhite, Caucasian
Smokes?Don't Smoke
Drinks?Drink Regularly
About CJ78

Confident, fun loving, easy going girl who loves hanging out with friends, enjoying good company and good conversation. I love a good night out but equally enjoy a relaxed night in, with a nice bottle of wine and a good film! I'm well travelled, but there are so many places I still want to go to, and would like to meet someone who's keen to do the same. I'm happiest when i'm outdoors, either running or horse riding or at the beach! I did Paris marathon in 2006 & London in 2007 and am hoping to do NY or Chicago one day. I also love my lazy days, reading the weekend newsapers in the sun over several cups of coffee and watching the world go by. I've been living in Sydney for the past 18 months and am not missing it all...really! No, home is wh�re the heart is so they say....found myself back here and thought i'd give this site a go....if you want to know anymore dr0p me a line to say hello!
I'm not sure the "ideal" partner exists, different people bring different things to relationships/friendships. Qualities i look for - the ability to make me laugh, having a good sense of fun, sharing similar interests, someone who is social but also comfortabl� in their own company...

CJ78 has 3 online dating photos

More about CJ78: CJ78 is a 47 year old female from Tunbridge Wells, Brighton who works in Other. CJ78 is green eyed with an slim/slender build and is a Capricorn.

I like : Table Tennis, Pool, Kayaking, Running, Badminton, Athletics, Parachuting, Climbing , Tennis , Abseiling, Rock Climbing, Horse Riding , Sailing, Swimming, Walking/Hiking

CJ78 has travelled to 9 countries including Italy, Singapore, France, Greece, Portugal, Australia, Thailand, Spain, Malta

CJ78 would love visit 15 countries including Brazil, Philippines, Japan, Vietnam, Switzerland, Kenya, New Zealand, Canada, South Africa, Tanzania and 5 more

My Likes
like no.1 Sense of humour
like no.2 Smiling/laughter
like no.3 Red wine & chocolate (yes together!)
My Dislikes
dislike no.1 Arrogance
dislike no.2 Violence
dislike no.3 Traffic jams
My Favourite
Favourite film FilmThe Kite Runner, Burn after Reading, Slumdog Millionaire
Favourite book/author Book18th Century novels, Khaled Hosseini, Jeanette Winterson
Favourite album/band MusicThe Presets, Friendly Fires, Cut Copy, Hed Kandi
Favourite holiday Holidaycountryside of Italy & UK, beaches of Asia & Australia