Dating profile for DrZiggy aged 40 from Malvern, Worcester who works in Medical, Dental

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DrZiggy, 61

from Brighton, Eastbourne from Malvern, Worcester

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GenderMale, Straight
Looking forLove
Star SignAries
HairDark Blonde, Short
ProfessionMedical, Dental
EthnicityWhite, Caucasian
Smokes?Don't Smoke
Drinks?Drink Socially
About DrZiggy

I love life - I am enthusiastic, I want the people around me to make the most of life, I love music, coun try pursuits and was learning to ride - which was great!

I am exploring my spiritual side � perhaps you will come and explore with me?

Being creative is important 2me. I play guitar and write songs in an amateur kind of way enjoy Tara Maclean, Sarah MCclachlan and Casey Chambers currently

I am writing a number of books presently, my life story and loves, a kids story and well something somewhëre in between � I love writing, I find it cathartic and interesting

I have old fashioned views of romance and love in this fast food world. I enjoy women who know how to be women but have embraced the parts of modern culture, which retain femininity rather than turning them into a man in a skirt.

I have 300 kids -am fully house trained I don t leave the loo seat up (much). Open hearted and sensitive not argumentative (yes I am!!! LOL) GSOH (haven�t we all?)

Love intellectual conversation and fun and am up for anything - any adventure or not!! So you choose!!

What makes me happy or sad?

Human endeavour brings happiness and tears
Romantic films like When Harry met Sally Sleepless in Seattle Classics like His Girl Friday Casablanca The Front Page The Glen miller Story Its a Wonderful Life Moulin Rouge, Big Fish, a good song... lemon meringue pie... doing naughty things Sunday morning? lol

P.S: Browsed me? I expect you to at least say Hi! Or else - I'll send the boys round!!! nothing to lose except your sanity?!!

DrZiggy has 1 online dating photos

More about DrZiggy: DrZiggy is a 61 year old male from Malvern, Worcester who works in Medical, Dental. DrZiggy is blue eyed with an average/medium build and is a Aries.

I like : Pool, Table Tennis, Badminton, Snooker, Walking/Hiking, Tennis

DrZiggy has travelled to 3 countries including Ireland, France, Netherlands

DrZiggy would love visit 6 countries including Sweden, Italy, Austria, Norway, Ireland, Russia

My Likes
like no.1 Creavitity
like no.2 Adventure
like no.3 Music
My Dislikes
dislike no.1 Yellow things
dislike no.2
dislike no.3
My Favourite
Favourite film FilmBig fish, 5th element, It's a wonderful life, the notebook etc
Favourite book/author BookSpike Milligan etc
Favourite album/band MusicAbba to Zeppelin
Favourite holiday Holidayyes please