Dating profile for Deniz aged 40 from town, London, Greater London who works in Finance

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Deniz, 48

from Brighton, Eastbourne from town, London, Greater London

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GenderMale, Straight
Looking forA flirt
Star SignScorpio
NationalityOther European
UniversityOutside UK
HairLight Brown, Average
EthnicityWhite, Caucasian
ReligionTell you later
Smokes?Don't Smoke
Drinks?Drink Socially
About Deniz

Hi, I am an energetic, easygoing guy who takes life as it comes but also someone who has plans to shape it ;) I love to experience new things, we have one life, and unlimited opportunities. Not surprisingly, I love scuba diving, travelling, wind surfing and of course making new friends...I just moved to London and I must confess that I don't have many yet...Of course I have a heart, a mighty one and nowadays it has no owner and to keep beating it needs a nice girl who will be my world here...I guarantee that you can't get bored when you are with me. For now that is all about me, when we meet you will find inside much more ;-)

I look for a girl who has passion for life, I mean who really enjoys her life, a girl who is optimistic, energitic, enthusiastic and of course she must know that she is attractive enough to get the the man she wants. Having said that, she must be also modest enough to let me turn her on ;) If you are close to this description, why are you still waiting, now or never!!!

Deniz has 3 online dating photos

More about Deniz: Deniz is a 48 year old male from town, London, Greater London who works in Finance. Deniz is brown eyed with an athletic build and is a Scorpio.

I like : Sailing, Squash , Football, Gym , Running, Bungee Jumping, Bowling , Paragliding, Motorbikes , Horse Riding , BASE Jumping, Basketball, Swimming, Snowboarding, Volleyball , Scuba Diving , Pool, Jogging , Surfing

Deniz has travelled to 13 countries including Moldova, Egypt, Netherlands, Jordan, Spain, Turkey, Thailand, United States of America, Latvia, France, Russia, Germany, Italy

Deniz would love visit 44 countries including Portugal, Japan, Mauritius, Morocco, Hungary, Venezuela, Cuba, Canada, Norway, Monaco and 34 more

My Likes
like no.1 Scuba Diving
like no.2 Travelling
like no.3 Wind surfing
My Dislikes
dislike no.1 Liars
dislike no.2
dislike no.3
My Favourite
Favourite film FilmLeon, Big Blue
Favourite book/author BookLater
Favourite album/band MusicGuns&Roses - Appetite for Destruction
Favourite holiday HolidayAll holidays