Dating profile for buona_sera aged 40 from Bristol who works in Political, Government

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buona_sera, 53

from Brighton, Eastbourne from Bristol

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GenderMale, Straight
Looking forLove
Star SignScorpio
UniversityNot Applicable...
HairBlack, Average
ProfessionPolitical, Government
ReligionTell you later
Smokes?Don't Smoke
Drinks?Drink Socially
About buona_sera

Im looking to extend my friends and would like to meet like minded people who like to integrate new skilsl and have learnt from the school of life!

Im easy going, chilled out and based in Bath itself.

I like all sorts of music and will aim to go to a few live events in the next few weeks, so hope to hear some good music, have some good food and meet some wholesome good people!

buona_sera has 2 online dating photos

More about buona_sera: buona_sera is a 53 year old male from Bristol who works in Political, Government. buona_sera is brown eyed with an average/medium build and is a Scorpio.

I like : Car Racing , Climbing , Salsa /Ceroc, Athletics, Bowling , Rock Climbing, Motorbikes , Cycling, Kickboxing, Pool, Yoga, Abseiling, Badminton, Table Tennis, Rowing, BASE Jumping, Mountain Biking, Scuba Diving , Snooker, Sailing

buona_sera has travelled to 9 countries including Italy, Belgium, Austria, Tunisia, Spain, Pakistan, France, Poland, United States of America

buona_sera would love visit 10 countries including Pakistan, China, India, Tunisia, Japan, Egypt, Australia, Peru, Brazil, Italy

My Likes
like no.1 Making new friends
like no.2 Food
like no.3 Food...did i say that already!
My Dislikes
dislike no.1 Bad manners
dislike no.2 Octopus
dislike no.3 snails
My Favourite
Favourite film FilmButterfly Effect
Favourite book/author BookThe Bourne Ultimatium
Favourite album/band MusicRadioHead
Favourite holiday HolidaySardina