Dating profile for Southerngirl aged 40 from Eastville, Bristol who works in Teaching, Education

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Southerngirl, 62

from Brighton, Eastbourne from Eastville, Bristol

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GenderFemale, Straight
Looking forLove
Star SignTaurus
HairAuburn, Long
ProfessionTeaching, Education
EthnicityWhite, Caucasian
Smokes?Don't Smoke
Drinks?Drink Socially
About Southerngirl

I am a happy, confident woman who loves to travel but who is just as comfortabl� at home curled up with a book or dining out in good restaurants. I work hard in the community (arts and education), love meeting people but enjoy getting away to walk by the sea or in the coun tryside. I like all sorts of music, such as soul and jazz, reggae and Latin, African blues...and enjoying going to hear bands in town or at festivals. I like theatre and film and would love to see more with someone who also enjoys these pursuits. I like to visit art galleries. While I do not consider myself materialistic, I like beautiful things around me - natural or created. I am an independent person but appreciate a bit of tlc when the need arises.

I enjoy conversation and exploring ideas but am a good listener too. I am looking for new friends, for fun and someone who wants to spend time with me - sharing interests, going out together, passion and ultimately love.

Southerngirl has 2 online dating photos

More about Southerngirl: Southerngirl is a 62 year old female from Eastville, Bristol who works in Teaching, Education. Southerngirl is brown eyed with an large/full build and is a Taurus.

I like : Gym , Swimming, Walking/Hiking

Southerngirl has travelled to 28 countries including Mexico, South Africa, Poland, New Zealand, Spain, United States of America, Ireland, France, Vatican City, Croatia, Switzerland, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Turkey, Germany

Southerngirl would love visit 63 countries including Somalia, Macedonia, Venezuela, Senegal, Peru, Pakistan, Norway, Fiji, Colombia, Russia and 53 more

My Likes
like no.1 Theatre
like no.2 Art: Galleries, community arts; performance art etc
like no.3 Sea/Mountains
My Dislikes
dislike no.1 Dishonesty
dislike no.2 Bush, Mugabe & all their ilk
dislike no.3
My Favourite
Favourite film FilmDrama, romance,arty,foreign
Favourite book/author BookEclectic tastes: Classics /mod literature/world lit etc.
Favourite album/band MusicJazz, Soul, Reggae, Latin American, West African etc.
Favourite holiday HolidayWalking; On a beach; City sightseeing/Adventure