Dating profile for jjafc aged 40 from maidstone, Other who works in Administrative, Secretarial

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jjafc, 44

from Brighton, Eastbourne from maidstone, Other

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GenderFemale, Straight
Looking forLove
Star SignVirgo
HairDark Blonde, Short
ProfessionAdministrative, Secretarial
EthnicityWhite, Caucasian
Smokes?Don't Smoke
Drinks?Drink Socially
About jjafc

Hi, I'm 28 and from Kent. I'm usually a bubbly character but can also be quiet depending on the company but once I get to know people I come out of my shell. I like the usual, cinema, theatre clubbing and pubs but can also curl up in front of the telly with a good bottle of wine. I'm a good listener, outgoing, smartly turned out, a hopeless romantic, thoughtful, a family type, well travelled and a pub lover!! Hope to hear from you soon.

jjafc has 2 online dating photos

More about jjafc: jjafc is a 44 year old female from maidstone, Other who works in Administrative, Secretarial. jjafc is blue eyed with an average/medium build and is a Virgo.

I like : Aerobics , Pool, Swimming, Gym , Walking/Hiking

jjafc has travelled to 6 countries including Cyprus, France, Greece, United States of America, Turkey, Spain

jjafc would love visit 5 countries including New Zealand, Cape Verde, Seychelles, Canada, Australia

My Likes
like no.1 walking
like no.2
like no.3
My Dislikes
dislike no.1 veg - but i still eat them!
dislike no.2
dislike no.3
My Favourite
Favourite film FilmHorrors mainly,anything that takes me fancy
Favourite book/author Booksophie kinsela
Favourite album/band MusicAnything really
Favourite holiday Holidayhad great holiday in Lanzarote march 09