Dating profile for itsmenotyou aged 40 from Town, Edinburgh who works in Designer

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itsmenotyou, 53

from Brighton, Eastbourne from Town, Edinburgh

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GenderMale, Straight
Looking forLove
Star SignCancer
UniversitySt Andrews
HairDark Blonde, Short
EthnicityWhite, Caucasian
Smokes?Don't Smoke
Drinks?Drink Socially
About itsmenotyou

please allow me to introduce myself I'm a man of wealth and taste! I've been around for a long long year stole many a man's soul and faith .... well I haven't really stolen any souls from men to be fair, and the wealth part is pushing it a bit and the years haven't been that long but i feel i can hold on to the taste part

itsmenotyou has 3 online dating photos

More about itsmenotyou: itsmenotyou is a 53 year old male from Town, Edinburgh who works in Designer. itsmenotyou is blue eyed with an athletic build and is a Cancer.

I like : Golf, Snowboarding, Poker, Pool, Gliding, Swimming, Car Racing , Tennis , Wakeboarding, Table Tennis, Bungee Jumping, Rock Climbing, Climbing , Football, Skateboarding, Abseiling, Kayaking, Mountain Biking, Skiing, Surfing

itsmenotyou has travelled to 27 countries including Belgium, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Netherlands, Italy, Mexico, Australia, United Arab Emirates, Andorra, Ireland, Sweden, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Germany, Ecuador, El Salvador

itsmenotyou would love visit 5 countries including Chile, Argentina, Fiji, Venezuela, Maldives

My Likes
like no.1 spiders........ still
like no.2 going to aquarium to see sharks possibly or surfing!
like no.3 followed maybe by a coffee and chat
My Dislikes
dislike no.1 appearing tight ; )
dislike no.2 curiosity to know what message was
dislike no.3 rats always getting a bad press - gotta feel sorry for the blighters
My Favourite
Favourite film Filmjaws / I am free after nxt wknd
Favourite book/author Booklife of pi / Oh mysterious EJ
Favourite album/band MusicMothers milk RHCP
Favourite holiday HolidayEquador