Dating profile for scorpion1984 aged 40 from luton, London, North who works in Technical, Professional

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scorpion1984, 40

from Brighton, Eastbourne from luton, London, North

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GenderMale, Straight
Looking forLove
Star SignScorpio
UniversityTell you later
HairBlack, Short
ProfessionTechnical, Professional
Smokes?Don't Smoke
Drinks?Drink Socially
About scorpion1984

about very curious...very interested in almost all things!! love playing basketball...i actualy get cravings!!...cookery is my thing but i need an insentive to!!! i look at life's shite from another angle all together...we make our own everything we!!!...favoutite book recently...undercover economist...u'll never shop the same again!!! ...if u see the world beyond yourself....and your able,.. then am willing!!! hola x

scorpion1984 has 3 online dating photos

More about scorpion1984: scorpion1984 is a 40 year old male from luton, London, North who works in Technical, Professional. scorpion1984 is brown eyed with an athletic build and is a Scorpio.

I like : Pool, Cycling, Badminton, Running, Car Racing , Motorbikes , Basketball, Ju-Jitsu, Jogging , Canoeing, Sky diving , Rock Climbing, Rowing, Orienteering, Kayaking, Gym , Gliding, Rugby , Walking/Hiking, Kickboxing

My Likes
like no.1 basketball
like no.2 women
like no.3 the stars
My Dislikes
dislike no.1 ignorance
dislike no.2 ignorance
dislike no.3 ignorance in any shape or form
My Favourite
Favourite film Filmmonty python's life of shank redemption....forest gump..
Favourite book/author Bookundercover economist
Favourite album/band's one for u though sizzla-dry cry!!
Favourite holiday Holiday