Dating profile for Dan aged 40 from London, Greater London who works in Technical, Professional

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Dan, 52

from Brighton, Eastbourne from London, Greater London

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GenderMale, Straight
Looking forLove
Star SignTaurus
HairDark Brown, Average
ProfessionTechnical, Professional
Smokes?Don't Smoke
Drinks?Drink Socially
About Dan

Kind and thoughtful, logical, affectionate - overidding aim in life is to have as much fun as possible.

Dan has 1 online dating photos

More about Dan: Dan is a 52 year old male from London, Greater London who works in Technical, Professional. Dan is brown eyed with an slim/slender build and is a Taurus.

I like : Climbing , Pool, Table Tennis, Tennis , Squash , Scuba Diving , Skiing, Sailing, Motorbikes , Snowboarding

Dan has travelled to 23 countries including Switzerland, France, Canada, Netherlands, Italy, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Burundi, Spain, Egypt, United States of America, Greece, Sri Lanka, Iran, Iceland, Kenya

Dan would love visit 5 countries including New Zealand, Maldives, Madagascar, Brazil, Cuba

My Likes
like no.1 fun with friends
like no.2 adventure
like no.3 singing
My Dislikes
dislike no.1 reality tv
dislike no.2 morris dancing
dislike no.3 health and safety
My Favourite
Favourite film Filmpans labyrinth, 300, mulholland drive
Favourite book/author Bookpatrick obrien, stephen baxter, AC Clark, James Ellroy
Favourite album/band Musicbeatles, electronica, chopin
Favourite holiday Holidayscuba, snowboard, walking, city breaks