Dating profile for Novemberstjarna aged 40 from Glasgow who works in Leisure, Tourism

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Novemberstjarna, 39

from Brighton, Eastbourne from Glasgow

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GenderFemale, Straight
Looking forLove
Star SignScorpio
UniversityNot Applicable...
HairDark Brown, Long
BuildTell you later
ProfessionLeisure, Tourism
EthnicityWhite, Caucasian
Smokes?Don't Smoke
Drinks?Drink Socially
About Novemberstjarna

Im shy but once you get to know me i open up. Just out of a relationship, so im takin it easy :)

Novemberstjarna has 2 online dating photos

More about Novemberstjarna: Novemberstjarna is a 39 year old female from Glasgow who works in Leisure, Tourism. Novemberstjarna is blue eyed with an tell you later build and is a Scorpio.

Novemberstjarna has travelled to 7 countries including France, Germany, Belgium, Iceland, Ireland, Spain, Greece

Novemberstjarna would love visit 11 countries including United States of America, Canada, Netherlands, Germany, Austria, Denmark, Poland, Italy, Sweden, Switzerland and 1 more

My Likes
like no.1 Honesty
like no.2 caring
like no.3 nice smile
My Dislikes
dislike no.1 cheaters
dislike no.2 liars
dislike no.3
My Favourite
Favourite film Filmlots
Favourite book/author Book
Favourite album/band Musiclove lots but a bit obsessed with guns n roses hehe
Favourite holiday HolidayIceland