Dating profile for oakjustin aged 40 from Hill , Oxford who works in IT

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oakjustin, 42

from Brighton, Eastbourne from Hill , Oxford

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GenderMale, Straight
Looking forLove
Star SignAries
UniversityOxford Brookes
HairDark Blonde, Short
EthnicityWhite, Caucasian
Smokes?Don't Smoke
Drinks?Don't Drink
About oakjustin

I'm currently living in Hill, Oxford (pretty much St. Louis) working as a web developer/programmer for an e-commerce shopping cart company. It's fun and challenging, but there's more about me than just computers. :) Also, I'm looking for friends so if you're interesting in chatting sometime, just hit me up!
Anyway, I'm quite a strange one so describing myself is hard to do. (read on and you'll understand) First, I graduated college with a degree in Computer Science. So yeah, I program computers, but my secondary job is teaching dance.
what what what??!?!?!
Yeah, I'm a dancer too. I was actually a dance major in college until I realized that I needed 3 classes to finish my dance major, and only 4 classes to turn my Computer Science minor into a major so yeah, I don't need a degree to dance! And programming pays the bills so I can go off and do the things that I love. But don't think that I'm this little ballerina or something because that's way off the mark. Take all the preconceived notions of dance (i.e.- ballet, tap, jazz, modern) and throw them out the window. I was "trained" in authentic movement and developmental movement patterns (you know, how babies learn how to move. It's amazing stuff and very natural and efficient movement) I'm mainly an expert in a form called Contact Improvisation. It's a form that's been around for about 35 years and purposefully does not have a definition set for it. Search for it on YouTube or Google videos and you'll find some stuff hopefully. It's starting to spread and I'm really working my butt off to get it to take flight in Lawrence. I wonder if St. Louis has people who might be interested. So far I can't find anything in my research that points to it though :(
And well, to round out the trio (or triangulate?) I am also a musician. I'm currently trying to figure out how to record my first singer/songwriter CD, but have come to a little bit of writer's block. I've been in tons of bands and I've played practically every type of music. Everything from Iron Maiden and Metallica to Ani DiFranco (SO AWESOME!) and Dar Williams. I'm a huge metal head but I absolutely LOVE acoustic folk. Yeah, what else would you expect from a dancing computer scientist?
Anyway, that's the trifoce of myself. Of course there's more but well, that's what IM and e-mail are for...right?
right :)

oakjustin has 1 online dating photos

More about oakjustin: oakjustin is a 42 year old male from Hill , Oxford who works in IT. oakjustin is blue eyed with an athletic build and is a Aries.

I like : Badminton, Athletics, Boxing, Surfing, Snooker, Skiing

oakjustin has travelled to 2 countries including Canada, Cameroon

oakjustin would love visit 1 countries including South Africa

My Likes
like no.1 Like going to the club
like no.2 Singing
like no.3 Sporting
My Dislikes
dislike no.1 i hate Lies
dislike no.2 i hate people that are not honest
dislike no.3
My Favourite
Favourite film FilmsOULE pLANE
Favourite book/author BookfRANK
Favourite album/band MusiceMINEM
Favourite holiday HolidaypARIS