Dating profile for Princesslaiha aged 40 from Harrow, London, Greater London who works in Advertising, Media

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Princesslaiha, 48

from Brighton, Eastbourne from Harrow, London, Greater London

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GenderFemale, Straight
Looking forSomething Else
Star SignGemini
UniversityCentral Lancashire
HairDark Brown, Long
ProfessionAdvertising, Media
ReligionTell you later
Smokes?Don't Smoke
Drinks?Drink Socially
About Princesslaiha

I am a fun loving person with loads of happiness, love and hugs to share with others. I love having fun and enjoy spending time with my wonderful friends - shopping, eating, laughing, drinking and dancing.
I have a passion for taking photographs. I spend quite a bit of my spare time (at parties, weddings, holidays etc) behind a camera and I love it
I have many other interests too including laughing, going to the movies, rollerblading, walks in the parks, sitting on the beach watching the waves come in and sitting under the stars and wishing I was far, far away...

I believe in being positive about life (there's always someone else out there that's worse of than you are) and to enjoy what you have (as the grass isn't always greener) and life is too short to think about 'what ifs'.
I am a great believer in fate as things happen for a reason and to never take things or people for granted!!!

I am looking for a fun loving, honest guy with a GREAT sense of humour. If you fit the bill, make sure you give me a wink or dr0p me a [email protected]

:0) x

Princesslaiha has 2 online dating photos

More about Princesslaiha: Princesslaiha is a 48 year old female from Harrow, London, Greater London who works in Advertising, Media. Princesslaiha is brown eyed with an slim/slender build and is a Gemini.

I like : Aerobics , Dancing - Ballet/Tap/Modern

Princesslaiha has travelled to 12 countries including Germany, Italy, Austria, Tunisia, Ireland, Czech Republic, Portugal, Saint Lucia, Morocco, Spain, China, France

Princesslaiha would love visit 29 countries including Chile, Singapore, South Korea, Thailand, Egypt, Malaysia, Maldives, Japan, Canada, New Zealand and 19 more

My Likes
like no.1 Socialising with friends
like no.2 lots and lots of laughing
like no.3 ice cream
My Dislikes
dislike no.1 Arrogant, rude, negative people
dislike no.2 Dog poo on pavements
dislike no.3 Smelly things
My Favourite
Favourite film FilmShawshank Redemption/True Romance/Se7en/IronMan and many more
Favourite book/author BookCecil Hern
Favourite album/band MusicThe Script,Rihanna,Madonna,Kylie,Timbaland,Dance,Rock,RnB
Favourite holiday HolidayAny place that's warmer than England