from town, Leeds
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Gender | Female, Straight |
Looking for | Friends |
Star Sign | Virgo |
Nationality | Other European |
Education | University |
University | Not Applicable... |
Hair | Dark Brown, Shoulder |
Eyes | Brown |
Build | Tell you later |
Profession | Tell you later |
Ethnicity | White, Caucasian |
Religion | Christian |
Status | Single |
Smokes? | Don't Smoke |
Drinks? | Don't Drink |
Smart, attractive, self confident, and funny.Yes, I'm quite special :)
llalla has 1 online dating photos
More about llalla: llalla is a 45 year old female from town, Leeds who works in Tell you later. llalla is brown eyed with an tell you later build and is a Virgo.
I like : Swimming, Dancing - Ballet/Tap/Modern, Pool, Gym , Badminton, Volleyball , Tennis , Cycling, Athletics, Salsa /Ceroc, Car Racing , Poker, Bowling , Table Tennis, Squash , Horse Riding , Jogging , Running, Football
llalla has travelled to 6 countries including Austria, Romania, Netherlands, Spain, Hungary, Germany
llalla would love visit 29 countries including New Zealand, Tanzania, South Korea, Nepal, Italy, Malta, Japan, China, Venezuela, Guinea-Bissau and 19 more
Socializing |
Football |
Reading |
Ignorance |
Boredness |
Bad movies |
Film | Usual suspects |
Book | Ender's Game/Orson Scott Card |
Music | I've been expecting you-No regrets/Pop-Rock |
Holiday | New York |