Dating profile for Chris39 aged 40 from Canterbury, London, South East who works in Advertising, Media

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Chris39, 56

from Brighton, Eastbourne from Canterbury, London, South East

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GenderMale, Straight
Looking forLove
Star SignAries
UniversityNot Applicable...
HairDark Brown, Very Short
ProfessionAdvertising, Media
EthnicityWhite, Caucasian
Smokes?Don't Smoke
Drinks?Don't Drink
About Chris39

I'm a kind and loving man, which will get you his heart to the right woman.
I dont get up set ,I take thing as they come my way, but I dont go out of my way to look for bad thing or wait for them to come my way.
Most of the time I'm happy even staying at home doing the washing up.
But saying that I am on here to look for a lovely woman which will fill my heart with love and be there for me and me for her too. not just a one night or two. A friend, a soul mate some to love.

Chris39 has 1 online dating photos

More about Chris39: Chris39 is a 56 year old male from Canterbury, London, South East who works in Advertising, Media. Chris39 is brown eyed with an average/medium build and is a Aries.

I like : Running, Chess, Gym , Dancing - Ballet/Tap/Modern, Badminton, Cycling, Pool, Volleyball , Surfing, Snooker, Table Tennis, Mountain Biking, Swimming, Tennis , Bowling

Chris39 has travelled to 2 countries including Spain, France

Chris39 would love visit 33 countries including Ukraine, Ireland, Cuba, Belgium, Norway, Canada, Jordan, Egypt, Switzerland, Fiji and 23 more

My Likes
like no.1 Driving
like no.2 Walking
like no.3 nights in or out
My Dislikes
dislike no.1 control freaks
dislike no.2 Rain
dislike no.3 Cold wind
My Favourite
Favourite film FilmPirates of the Caribbean
Favourite book/author BookThe Sermon on the Mount by Emmet Fox
Favourite album/band MusicU2 - 2005 Vertigo ,The Essential Guide to Salsa
Favourite holiday HolidayOnly hot places