Dating profile for oceanblue042 aged 40 from city centre, Manchester who works in Student

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oceanblue042, 43

from Brighton, Eastbourne from city centre, Manchester

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GenderFemale, Straight
Looking forA bit of fun
Star SignCancer
HairBlack, Long
ReligionTell you later
Smokes?Don't Smoke
Drinks?Drink Socially
About oceanblue042

I'm small... but don't great things come in small packages? :D

I'm just finishing off my PhD at the moment so my student days will finally be over...not so sure where I want to work or even what I want to be, but I'll have to decide soon! Yes I am a bit of a geek but I'm proud of it... although having said that, all these years at uni have driven me insane.... :-S

I like travelling, and been to some nice places like India but there are so many more places I want to visit like South America, Tibet and New Zealand. Oh and the rest of Canada too. I try to keep fit at the gym and do some running....although my gym attendance has been rubbish lately due to uni work. I've done some 10k runs and would love to be able to take part in a marathon one day (although I'll need some serious training for it!!).

I'm fairly quiet when I meet people for the first time although I think I become rather loud once I get to know them :-) I've also been described as a bit odd and quirky...but hey that's me and I'm proud to be a bit odd! I also like going to gigs and the odd indie club or two... so if you want to chat or be my gig buddy, get in touch :D

oceanblue042 has 2 online dating photos

More about oceanblue042: oceanblue042 is a 43 year old female from city centre, Manchester who works in Student. oceanblue042 is brown eyed with an average/medium build and is a Cancer.

I like : Badminton, Running, Gym , Squash

oceanblue042 has travelled to 13 countries including France, Belgium, Myanmar, China, Canada, India, Ireland, Thailand, Australia, United States of America, Spain, Singapore, Germany

oceanblue042 would love visit 8 countries including Bhutan, Austria, Vietnam, Peru, New Zealand, Laos, Finland, Cambodia

My Likes
like no.1 travel
like no.2 going to gigs
like no.3 making things out of paper :-)
My Dislikes
dislike no.1 smoking
dislike no.2 arrogance
dislike no.3 tattoos
My Favourite
Favourite film FilmA Beautiful Mind, Good Will Hunting, Amelie, Little Miss Sunshine
Favourite book/author Book
Favourite album/band MusicSigur Ros, Klaxons, We Are Scientists, Arcade Fire and most indie
Favourite holiday HolidayIndia, Canada, Australia