Dating profile for Kat aged 40 from Southport, Liverpool who works in Administrative, Secretarial

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Kat, 45

from Brighton, Eastbourne from Southport, Liverpool

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GenderFemale, Straight
Looking forLove
Star SignPisces
HairLight Blonde, Average
ProfessionAdministrative, Secretarial
EthnicityWhite, Caucasian
Smokes?Don't Smoke
Drinks?Drink Socially
About Kat

Well what can I say Im a 4ft 11 bubby blonde from sunny souwie and have joined after beein verbally bullied by my mates and told this is the way forward!!! we'll see then eh!! I have also bin told by most this is a great way to meet people lol Im not a computer geeks boys an gals!! so I have just returned from workin on the cruise liners around mexico an the carribbean. I have now decided to stay home and try an build a sensible life here (cough cough) lol it mite take some time. My area is nice averagly friendly. So I have lived away from home since I was21 movin to london then to Cyprus then on to the ships. I love travelling dancing singin and actin and the best thing is I get paid to do it! and I get a tann.Anyways even if ya just fancy a chat Im here so sum me up in a nutshell erm.......... Im bubbly, small ha ha, Id like to think thoughtful, Im cheeky (in a nice way), love to have fun (stop laughin as that was a cheesy line), know what I want, I can be a little stubborn, I like to think Im funny and that is why I need to meet some1who has a great sense of humour PLEASE there is nothing more attactive than a funny guy!, Im quite hyper and like to make the best out of life so now after either scaring you all or boring you I will leave you with the rest of profile if you havent already logged of and gone out ha ha.............see I told you I think Im funny sad isnt it!!!!

Kat has 3 online dating photos

More about Kat: Kat is a 45 year old female from Southport, Liverpool who works in Administrative, Secretarial. Kat is grey eyed with an slim/slender build and is a Pisces.

I like : Kayaking, Water-Polo, Wrestling, Abseiling, Pool, Motorbikes , Swimming, Bungee Jumping, Skateboarding, Mixed Martial arts, Gym , Rock Climbing, Dancing - Ballet/Tap/Modern, Mountaineering, Jogging , Hockey , Mountain Biking, Cycling, Aerobics , Ice Hockey

Kat has travelled to 16 countries including United States of America, Canada, Norway, Costa Rica, Greece, Jamaica, Turkey, Luxembourg, Spain, Egypt, France, Barbados, Bulgaria, Mexico, The Bahamas

Kat would love visit 13 countries including Fiji, Singapore, New Zealand, Maldives, Mauritius, Italy, Vatican City, Japan, Thailand, Malaysia and 3 more

My Likes
like no.1 Hot sun to relax in and snow to play in
like no.2 Sports love to play and watch sports!!
like no.3 A good bottle of wine and DVD an to snuggle up
My Dislikes
dislike no.1 Bad hygiene
dislike no.2 Rudness, pettieness, arrogance and bitchieness Cant even entertain any
dislike no.3 People who think the world owes them summit
My Favourite
Favourite film Filmlast of the mohicans
Favourite book/author BookAt the mo Dan Brown
Favourite album/band Musicfar too many to choose from
Favourite holiday HolidayLove anywhere hot to relax but love snow to ski