Dating profile for sunny aged 40 from lowestoft, Norwich who works in Student

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sunny, 42

from Brighton, Eastbourne from lowestoft, Norwich

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GenderMale, Straight
Looking forFriends
Star SignSagittarius
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HairBlack, Short
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About sunny

I am a Ambivert person with optimistic approach towards life.A Kind of over Benevolent,which is always Seeking for improvement and growth.A theist by nature,a bit extrovert.My acceptance level is too high & beleive in the things which are utilitarian. I make a Point that whatever happens, happens for good. I feel a Nemesis factor in myself. Not biased but inclined towards many things.
I am a MARINE OFFICER .I Love Interacting with Peoples and have Great Abilities to convert Rude,Arrogent,Abrupt,violent, startling, harsh, unpleasant,nasty Creature in to a pals

sunny has 3 online dating photos

More about sunny: sunny is a 42 year old male from lowestoft, Norwich who works in Student. sunny is black eyed with an athletic build and is a Sagittarius.

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