Dating profile for areenu aged 40 from Aberdeen who works in Medical, Dental

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areenu, 62

from Brighton, Eastbourne from Aberdeen

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GenderFemale, Straight
Looking forSomething Else
Star SignGemini
UniversityOpen University
HairAuburn, Long
ProfessionMedical, Dental
EthnicityWhite, Caucasian
Smokes?Don't Smoke
Drinks?Drink Socially
About areenu

I'm generally easygoing but unreasonable and uninterested in everyday gossipy Blah Blah. I care passionately about my own interests, music kids science. Solitary, musical, lyrical, poetic, sexual, selfish and polite. Like to play, get pissed once a month. I don't take life too seriously. I don't lie. If it's not there at first touch it may still happen, but I'm not a keeper for most, none starter for the majority, met 'one' but he wasn't interested hoping the next 'one' will be x.......

areenu has 1 online dating photos

More about areenu: areenu is a 62 year old female from Aberdeen who works in Medical, Dental. areenu is brown eyed with an large/full build and is a Gemini.

My Likes
like no.1 Children
like no.2 Music
like no.3 Fun
My Dislikes
dislike no.1 Bullies
dislike no.2 Judgement
dislike no.3 hypocrasy
My Favourite
Favourite film FilmFight Club
Favourite book/author BookReimond Feist/Seb Fawkes
Favourite album/band MusicFoo Fighters/Verve
Favourite holiday HolidayWest Scottish Islands