Dating profile for Saleem aged 40 from London Bridge, London, East Central who works in Sales and Marketing

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Saleem, 47

from Brighton, Eastbourne from London Bridge, London, East Central

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GenderMale, Straight
Looking forA bit of fun
Star SignAquarius
HairBlack, Short
ProfessionSales and Marketing
Smokes?Don't Smoke
Drinks?Drink Regularly
About Saleem

I'd say I was confident and outgoing and love being with friends at bars, restaurants and clubs. I'm a big fan of travelling and enjoy going away as often as I can. I'm an investment banking headhunter so do end up working pretty hard but know how to have a good time too! I'm looking to meet someone who is not only good looking, but likes to go out, have fun and a laugh.

Saleem has 1 online dating photos

More about Saleem: Saleem is a 47 year old male from London Bridge, London, East Central who works in Sales and Marketing. Saleem is brown eyed with an athletic build and is a Aquarius.

My Likes
like no.1 Spending lots of time in the sun
like no.2 Travelling
like no.3 The beach
My Dislikes
dislike no.1 Arrogant people
dislike no.2 Rainy days
dislike no.3 The tube in rush hour
My Favourite
Favourite film FilmThe Shawshank Redemption
Favourite book/author Book
Favourite album/band Music
Favourite holiday HolidayHawaii