Dating profile for Nigel aged 40 from Holland Park, London, West who works in Finance

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Nigel, 47

from Brighton, Eastbourne from Holland Park, London, West

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GenderMale, Straight
Looking forSomething Else
Star SignGemini
HairBlack, Short
Smokes?Don't Smoke
Drinks?Drink Socially
About Nigel

Hi, I'm a Londoner but with parents from Mauritius with French and Chinese ancestry (and yes that makes me a good cook :)) I've done a round the world trip and like travelling to new places, learning about different cultures, trying new food and learning languages. Je parle le Francais, and un poquito Espanyol (but I don't think I can't write in either of them!).
I like to laugh. I�m ambitious so like to make the most of my spare time, going out dancing, chatting with friends or staying in with good food and good company. I am a warm person who puts loved ones before myself, dependable but also spontaneous. I am passionate and confident but also able to laugh at myself and not take myself too seriously.
Looking for someone like-minded who is equally as good as me at pretending they can salsa! (Better still if you can actually salsa!)

Nigel has 2 online dating photos

More about Nigel: Nigel is a 47 year old male from Holland Park, London, West who works in Finance. Nigel is brown eyed with an athletic build and is a Gemini.

I like : Tennis , Basketball, Snooker, Chess, Football, Bowling , Pool

Nigel has travelled to 29 countries including Mexico, Portugal, Lithuania, Vatican City, Ukraine, Sweden, Slovenia, Spain, Mauritius, Estonia, Latvia, China, Ireland, Oman, Finland

Nigel would love visit 5 countries including Chile, Egypt, Barbados, Argentina, The Bahamas

My Likes
like no.1 Travelling Abroad
like no.2 Good food, good drink and good conversation
like no.3 Laughing
My Dislikes
dislike no.1 Going back to work after a holiday
dislike no.2 A packed tube during the summer
dislike no.3 Dishonesty
My Favourite
Favourite film FilmZoolander, Anchor Man, Matrix
Favourite book/author BookFlyfishing by JR Hartley!!
Favourite album/band MusicNatalie Imbruglia-met her on hols so have to say this!
Favourite holiday HolidayBrazeel! Copacabana beach to be exact