Dating profile for letsshoottheworks aged 40 from York who works in Artistic, Musical, Writer

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letsshoottheworks, 40

from Brighton, Eastbourne from York

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GenderMale, Straight
Looking forFriends
Star SignScorpio
HairBlack, Short
ProfessionArtistic, Musical, Writer
EthnicityWhite, Caucasian
Smokes?Don't Smoke
Drinks?Drink Socially
About letsshoottheworks

I'm a 27 year old graduate and wannabe filmmaker and scriptwriter. I have dabbled in film making. My dream is to be a director like David Lynch or Christopher Nolan. I have adored science fiction from a young age. I recently started rewatching episodes of Star Trek and Twin Peaks. I'm a movie enthusiast. I have no set of 'criteria' I look for in women as long as there is that spark and chemistry there and instinctual attraction; whether she be 18 or 48+, redhead, brunette, blonde, petite, curvasious, leggy etc etc

letsshoottheworks has 0 online dating photo

More about letsshoottheworks: letsshoottheworks is a 40 year old male from York who works in Artistic, Musical, Writer. letsshoottheworks is brown eyed with an average/medium build and is a Scorpio.

I like : Walking/Hiking, Mental Sports (e.g. Sudoku), Bowling , Chess, Gym , Cycling

letsshoottheworks has travelled to 7 countries including France, Canada, Spain, Italy, Denmark, Belgium, Czech Republic

letsshoottheworks would love visit 10 countries including Germany, United States of America, Italy, New Zealand, France, Barbados, Greece, Liechtenstein, Vatican City, Japan

My Likes
like no.1 science fiction
like no.2 movies
like no.3 walking
My Dislikes
dislike no.1 grey days
dislike no.2 ignorance
dislike no.3 prejudice
My Favourite
Favourite film FilmThe Dark Knight, Rear Window, Blade Runner etc etc etc
Favourite book/author BookKerouac, McCarthy, Fry, Burroughs, Thompson etc etc
Favourite album/band MusicTom Waits, Nick Cave, David Lynch, Pj Harvey
Favourite holiday HolidayParis, Prague, Fowey, Venice