Dating profile for pec771 aged 40 from Lancaster who works in Other

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pec771, 64

from Brighton, Eastbourne from Lancaster

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GenderMale, Straight
Looking forLove
Star SignLeo
HairOther, No Hair
EthnicityWhite, Caucasian
Smokes?Smoke Regularly
Drinks?Drink Socially
About pec771

Oh, I suppose an ordinary guy really, with a few quirks. I'm harmless enough though. A mixture of shyness and extrovertism. If there's such a word. Currently doing a radio show for the local community station Diversity FM which I enjoy.

And that's your lot for now.

pec771 has 0 online dating photo

More about pec771: pec771 is a 64 year old male from Lancaster who works in Other. pec771 is blue eyed with an average/medium build and is a Leo.

I like : Chess, Cricket, Mental Sports (e.g. Sudoku), Cycling, Rugby , Running, Pool, Football, Baseball

pec771 has travelled to 6 countries including Canada, Greece, France, Ireland, Austria, Australia

pec771 would love visit 7 countries including Sweden, Hungary, Cuba, Italy, Spain, Switzerland, New Zealand

My Likes
like no.1 Diversity FM
like no.2 Manchester City
like no.3 Onanism
My Dislikes
dislike no.1 Apathy
dislike no.2 Aggression
dislike no.3 Chavs
My Favourite
Favourite film FilmWhatever
Favourite book/author BookJames Ellroy
Favourite album/band MusicRamones, Boo Radleys, PJ Harvey
Favourite holiday HolidayAway from here