Dating profile for Kirsty aged 40 from Hereford who works in Other

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Kirsty, 43

from Brighton, Eastbourne from Hereford

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GenderFemale, Straight
Looking forSomething Else
Star SignTaurus
UniversityNot Applicable...
HairLight Blonde, Long
EthnicityWhite, Caucasian
ReligionTell you later
Smokes?Smoke Socially
Drinks?Drink Socially
About Kirsty

Im an easy to talk to happy person. I would like to meet someone for a casual relationship. However one night stands would do nothing for me and I see no point in them. Most of the time im really busy with shows and breeding, so i really would not like a needy person. I really do not like people being rude to me, you would get much further to what you want by just asking not demanding. That said really I just like having fun and not expecting things.

Kirsty has 0 online dating photo

More about Kirsty: Kirsty is a 43 year old female from Hereford who works in Other. Kirsty is brown eyed with an average/medium build and is a Taurus.

I like : Gliding, Swimming, Mountaineering, Paintballing, Climbing , Scuba Diving , Canoeing, Snowboarding, Hang Gliding, Baseball, Rock Climbing, Sky diving , Rugby , Horse Riding , Paragliding, Skiing, Parachuting, Badminton

Kirsty has travelled to 3 countries including Austria, United States of America, Germany

My Likes
like no.1 Showing my Dogs/cats
like no.2 Horses
like no.3 Swimming
My Dislikes
dislike no.1 Rude people
dislike no.2 Watching TV
dislike no.3 Being talked at
My Favourite
Favourite film FilmGreen mile
Favourite book/author BookWatchers
Favourite album/band MusicTrance
Favourite holiday HolidaySki