Dating profile for Lydia81 aged 40 from Chiswick, London, Greater London who works in Sales and Marketing

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Lydia81, 43

from Brighton, Eastbourne from Chiswick, London, Greater London

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GenderFemale, Straight
Looking forLove
Star SignPisces
HairDark Brown, Shoulder
ProfessionSales and Marketing
EthnicityWhite, Caucasian
Smokes?Don't Smoke
Drinks?Drink Regularly
About Lydia81

Some interesting facts might help seal the deal
Like my real name is Lydia and I LOVE cake.
I'm passionate and feisty and full of zeal
And I believe of it life is what you make.

I've started the New Year after a little jaunt overseas
Two months travelling in Asia, Oz and San Fran
I'm back feeling fresh, after my 11 weeks of leave
And decided I gotta get me a man.

I am complex and carefree, hardworking and lazy
I love shoes and winter coats and cups of tea
I will make you laugh and feel loved, I'll probably drive you crazy
But you'll like me for just being me.

You'll have strong hands, good heart and preferably be hairy
You'll ideally be tall and a bit rugged
You'll like a few drinks - though not get too lairy
But if you can't dance for toffee then we're buggered

Best mates, best holidays, best family times and more
You'll like trekking in the mountains or lazing by the shore.
You'll feed me red wine and pasta when I've had a sh*tday
You'll listen to me rant and (sometimes) let me have my own way.

When we're both on good form we'll be giggling like kids
Slurping on wine and debating what's what.
We'll like each other lots, from our toes to our eyelids
And together we'll be pretty damn hot.

Lydia81 has 2 online dating photos

More about Lydia81: Lydia81 is a 43 year old female from Chiswick, London, Greater London who works in Sales and Marketing. Lydia81 is brown eyed with an slim/slender build and is a Pisces.

I like : Surfing, Scuba Diving , Netball, Swimming, Running

Lydia81 has travelled to 17 countries including Switzerland, Czech Republic, Thailand, Greece, United Arab Emirates, Austria, Singapore, China, Bulgaria, Netherlands, Australia, Ireland, Spain, United States of America, Indonesia

Lydia81 would love visit 48 countries including Chile, Sri Lanka, Barbados, Haiti, Iceland, Nicaragua, Panama, The Bahamas, Vietnam, Trinidad and Tobago and 38 more

My Likes
like no.1 Cups of tea
like no.2 My mates
like no.3 Handbags
My Dislikes
dislike no.1 Meanness
dislike no.2 Oysters
dislike no.3 Missing out on something fun
My Favourite
Favourite film FilmShirley Valentine, The Goonies, Beverly Hills Cop etc
Favourite book/author BookMargaret Atwood, Victoria Hislop, Autobiographies
Favourite album/band MusicSoul, Jazz, Funk, Disco, Funky House, Blues, Pop
Favourite holiday HolidayYes please! South America, Istanbul and Italy are next!