Dating profile for Donna Miller aged 40 from Streatham, London, South West who works in Leisure, Tourism

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Donna Miller, 54

from Brighton, Eastbourne from Streatham, London, South West

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GenderFemale, Straight
Looking forLove
Star SignSagittarius
HairDark Blonde, Long
ProfessionLeisure, Tourism
EthnicityWhite, Caucasian
Smokes?Don't Smoke
Drinks?Drink Socially
About Donna Miller

I work hard and play hard working in the fitness industry I need to inspire and motivate my clients in classes and one on one sessions. It is a busy job but I love the variety and the challenges much like living life. I love to go out and depending on my mood can be dancing away in a club, a relaxing drink in a bar or enjoying great food. I am looking to meet someone who has the same interests but also is his own person. He could be good looking or make me laugh or just have a lust for life to join me on an adventure.

Donna Miller has 3 online dating photos

More about Donna Miller: Donna Miller is a 54 year old female from Streatham, London, South West who works in Leisure, Tourism. Donna Miller is blue eyed with an athletic build and is a Sagittarius.

I like : Aerobics , Kickboxing, Gym , Yoga, Pilates , Pool, Poker, Running, Salsa /Ceroc, Swimming, Snooker, Dancing - Ballet/Tap/Modern

Donna Miller has travelled to 31 countries including Russia, Egypt, Greece, Austria, Monaco, France, Ireland, Mexico, Jamaica, Tunisia, Belgium, United Arab Emirates, Singapore, Turkey, Sri Lanka

Donna Miller would love visit 61 countries including Samoa, Venezuela, Argentina, Namibia, Belize, Mali, Tanzania, Maldives, Morocco, Brunei and 51 more

My Likes
like no.1 loving life and having fun
like no.2 dancing/yoga
like no.3 travelling
My Dislikes
dislike no.1 Rude people
dislike no.2 being bored
dislike no.3 Not being intellectually stimiulated
My Favourite
Favourite film FilmThe Shawshank Redemption
Favourite book/author BookSteven King to Candice Burshell
Favourite album/band MusicI love variety from dance to rock
Favourite holiday HolidayKenya for the safari or Sri lanka/Thailand for the culture