Dating profile for YoungLawyer aged 40 from Swansea who works in Legal

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YoungLawyer, 39

from Brighton, Eastbourne from Swansea

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GenderMale, Straight
Looking forLove
Star SignAries
HairDark Brown, Short
EthnicityWhite, Caucasian
Smokes?Don't Smoke
Drinks?Drink Socially
About YoungLawyer

I recently moved to Swansea because of my work and look forward to meeting new people here.

I like to think that Life is an adventure! I am enjoying life and am looking for someone special to enjoy it with me. I have extreme optimism and always look at the fun side of life. I like going to interesting places and driving fast cars. (Especially when the sun is shining and I play loud music). I also like martial arts, going out dancing, having a BBQ on the beach and spending time with my family.

I am ambitious and work hard for what I want in life. Law is my profession (litigation and employment law). There is a saying that good lawyers always find ways to turn the tablës in your favor and I aim to make that true. I love arguing impossible cases.

I am selëctive. But who would blame me? After all, it�s going to be me who has to spend all that time with you ;-) Humor is important. I am looking for a committed relationship only but I am also interested in friendship. So if nothing else happens, we can always be friends.

If you think we are a match or could be friends, email me now.

YoungLawyer has 3 online dating photos

More about YoungLawyer: YoungLawyer is a 39 year old male from Swansea who works in Legal. YoungLawyer is brown eyed with an athletic build and is a Aries.

I like : Bowling , Rowing, Jogging , Kickboxing, Table Tennis, Climbing , Gym , Kung-Fu, Cycling, Chess, Mixed Martial arts, Volleyball , Tennis , Swimming, Taekwondo, Squash

YoungLawyer has travelled to 10 countries including France, Liechtenstein, Germany, Netherlands, Switzerland, Spain, Luxembourg, Denmark, Austria, Belgium

YoungLawyer would love visit 5 countries including China, India, Singapore, South Africa, Namibia

My Likes
like no.1 Beaches
like no.2 Driving fast cars
like no.3 martial arts, kickboxing, volley ball
My Dislikes
dislike no.1 Injustice
dislike no.2 Seagulls
dislike no.3 rude people
My Favourite
Favourite film FilmJames Bond, indiana Jones and the Godfather
Favourite book/author BookSong of ice and fire, Caesar
Favourite album/band MusicThe Feeling, GreenDay, The Offspring
Favourite holiday HolidayPlacs wh�re the sun shines a lot