from town, Leeds
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Gender | Female, Straight |
Looking for | Friends |
Star Sign | Virgo |
Nationality | Other European |
Education | University |
University | Not Applicable... |
Hair | Dark Brown, Shoulder |
Eyes | Brown |
Build | Tell you later |
Profession | Tell you later |
Ethnicity | White, Caucasian |
Religion | Christian |
Status | Single |
Smokes? | Don't Smoke |
Drinks? | Don't Drink |
Smart, attractive, self confident, and funny.Yes, I'm quite special :)
llalla has 1 online dating photos
More about llalla: llalla is a 45 year old female from town, Leeds who works in Tell you later. llalla is brown eyed with an tell you later build and is a Virgo.
I like : Gym , Swimming, Table Tennis, Cycling, Bowling , Athletics, Salsa /Ceroc, Pool, Squash , Running, Car Racing , Dancing - Ballet/Tap/Modern, Tennis , Jogging , Football, Horse Riding , Volleyball , Badminton, Poker
llalla has travelled to 6 countries including Austria, Germany, Hungary, Netherlands, Spain, Romania
llalla would love visit 29 countries including Malta, Ecuador, United States of America, New Zealand, Sri Lanka, Greece, Canada, Australia, Italy, Brazil and 19 more
Socializing |
Football |
Reading |
Ignorance |
Boredness |
Bad movies |
Film | Usual suspects |
Book | Ender's Game/Orson Scott Card |
Music | I've been expecting you-No regrets/Pop-Rock |
Holiday | New York |