Dating profile for Elene aged 40 from London, East Central who works in Consultant

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Elene, 43

from Brighton, Eastbourne from London, East Central

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GenderFemale, Straight
Looking forA bit of fun
Star SignCancer
NationalityOther European
HairLight Brown, Long
EthnicityWhite, Caucasian
Smokes?Smoke Socially
Drinks?Drink Socially
About Elene

A young pretty girl, looking to make friends, have fun and share values in life!
Watching movies, dancing, cooking, reading and laughing together - is not that what makes a perfect friendship, and sometimes even more?

Elene has 1 online dating photos

More about Elene: Elene is a 43 year old female from London, East Central who works in Consultant. Elene is brown eyed with an slim/slender build and is a Cancer.

My Likes
like no.1 Blue sea, warm sand and sun
like no.2 Dancing / singing karaoke
like no.3 Sophisticated literature
My Dislikes
dislike no.1 Agression
dislike no.2
dislike no.3
My Favourite
Favourite film FilmThorn Birds
Favourite book/author BookPaul Arden
Favourite album/band MusicEnigma
Favourite holiday HolidayEaster