Interested in Yarm dating? Start online dating today!. Welcome to UrbanSocial - the online dating site for sociable local singles in Yarm and across the UK looking to find that someone special to date.
Looking for a date in Yarm? UrbanSocial online dating has been bringing genuine singles from across the UK together online for over a decade. With a wealth of experience behind us, our dating site has become an established and trusted brand in the industry. With an award winning blog, 24 hour customer support and a fully mobile site that is safe and secure, our singles are in good hands. It's also quick and easy to join, taking just a few minutes to register and browse local singles in Yarm and nearby.
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Singles on local to Yarm are from the following areas - Yarm, Cleveland , County Durham , North Yorkshire and counties and towns in the area
Davewinks, 55 Near Yarm, Yarm, North Yorkshire / C...
Paul, 48 Near Yarm, Yarm, County Durham / Cle...
ste2008, 39 Near Yarm, Yarm, County Durham
Rhino27, 44 Near Yarm, Yarm, County Durham
craig, 59 Near Yarm, Yarm, County Durham
claude, 55 Near Yarm, Yarm, County Durham
littlehomie1, 39 Near Yarm, Yarm, County Durham
Stephen, 49 Near Yarm, Yarm, County Durham
marquis247, 41 Near Yarm, Yarm, County Durham / Cle...
onlyoneboro, 62 Near Yarm, Yarm, County Durham / Cle...
Sarahr170, 49 Yarm-On-Tees, Yarm, North Yorkshire / C...
sarah dubain, 42 Near Yarm, Yarm, County Durham / Cle...
victorianmin, 39 Near Yarm, Yarm, County Durham
Helen, 47 Near Yarm, Yarm, County Durham
AMANDA, 55 Near Yarm, Yarm, County Durham
Hevs73, 57 Near Yarm, Yarm, County Durham
lovelyems, 51 Near Yarm, Yarm, County Durham / Nor...
melno1, 53 Near Yarm, Yarm, County Durham / Cle...
Emma, 35 Near Yarm, Yarm, County Durham / Cle...
... and friendly. I enjoy walking coun try or coast. Love animals, especially dogs. Enjoy cooking, I'm a vegetarian but told I'm a good cook even by my carnivorous friends! Love my career, I'm confident and happy in life.
... with a cheeky sense of humour. Would love to meet a sociable, interesting person who enjoys learning new things, visiting new places, meeting new people and who just enjoys life generally x
... good drinker, and have therefore decided that it is not such a great idea to do it as much, don't like getting out of bed at all especially at the weekend, I love Yoga and do far to much of that and the gym for my own good, enjoy the most random things including baking bread.....
Not subscribed but you will find me on the book of faces Johnny Kerr.... London....
Don't really do TV, but love films when the mood takes me. Have an appetite for life and make play ev...(more)
... easy going, bubbly, caring and intelligent girl. I am quite tall (5ft 9) and I'm a size 10 -12 with curves in the right places or so I've been told!. Since becoming single I have basically taken the 'say yes to everything' approach, well, within reason!! I am a positive person who likes to see the silver lining in any cloud and am always up for a laugh.
I enjoy travelling, being outdoors and all the usual stuff which everybody mentions, so I won't bore you with the de...(more)
Yarm and Cleveland dating website for single men and women in Yarm and surrounding counties. Free to join, photos, chat rooms, interest groups and private webmail