Interested in Wincanton dating? Start online dating today!. Welcome to UrbanSocial - the online dating site for sociable local singles in Wincanton and across the UK looking to find that someone special to date.
Looking for a date in Wincanton? UrbanSocial online dating has been bringing genuine singles from across the UK together online for over a decade. With a wealth of experience behind us, our dating site has become an established and trusted brand in the industry. With an award winning blog, 24 hour customer support and a fully mobile site that is safe and secure, our singles are in good hands. It's also quick and easy to join, taking just a few minutes to register and browse local singles in Wincanton and nearby.
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Singles on local to Wincanton are from the following areas - Wincanton, Somerset and counties and towns in the area
Olly, 50 Near Wincanton, Wincanton, Somerset / Avon
Alex, 54 Near Wincanton, Wincanton, Somerset / Avon
Martin, 49 Near Wincanton, Wincanton, Somerset / Avon
Pete, 44 Near Wincanton, Wincanton, Somerset / Avon
Jay, 51 Near Wincanton, Wincanton, Somerset / Avon
Chris, 48 Near Wincanton, Wincanton, Somerset / Avon
mav, 45 Near Wincanton, Wincanton, Somerset / Avon
Lee, 49 Near Wincanton, Wincanton, Somerset / Avon
Phil84, 41 Near Wincanton, Wincanton, Somerset / Avon
Will, 48 Near Wincanton, Wincanton, Somerset / Avon
Nick, 48 Near Wincanton, Wincanton, Somerset / Avon
Becky, 48 Near Wincanton, Wincanton, Somerset / Avon
Melanie, 55 Near Wincanton, Wincanton, Somerset / Avon
Rachel, 58 Near Wincanton, Wincanton, Somerset / Avon
Sarah, 51 Near Wincanton, Wincanton, Somerset / Avon
Rhian, 41 Near Wincanton, Wincanton, Somerset / Avon
fannyadams, 56 Near Wincanton, Wincanton, Somerset / Avon
Debbie, 51 Near Wincanton, Wincanton, Somerset / Avon
Dani, 52 Near Wincanton, Wincanton, Somerset / Avon
bex, 42 Near Wincanton, Wincanton, Somerset / Avon
Emma, 44 Near Wincanton, Wincanton, Somerset / Avon
... takes up alot of my time. It is an exciting way of making a living, but sometimes it is good to turn your back on excitement for once. I need some quiet quality time with someone close.
I am a person who has to grab life, I take things as they come. I do get frustrated with people, and I will stand up for myself.
I like fine wine and food, good smart clothes and rough easy to wear things for relaxing times.
Most of all I love Romance, and all that comes with i...(more)
... model looks, great sence of humor, polite, well spoken, well usual she's absolutely right!!!!!
... I like country walks, going to the seaside, eating out, meeting up with friends and entertaining. I like going to art galleries, travelling and seeing a good film.
... a professional lady. I currently live in Somerset. I am a honest person and looking for a similiar person. I like the simple things in life and am looking for that special person
Wincanton and Somerset dating website for single men and women in Wincanton and surrounding counties. Free to join, photos, chat rooms, interest groups and private webmail