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Looking for a date in Thornhill? UrbanSocial online dating has been bringing genuine singles from across the UK together online for over a decade. With a wealth of experience behind us, our dating site has become an established and trusted brand in the industry. With an award winning blog, 24 hour customer support and a fully mobile site that is safe and secure, our singles are in good hands. It's also quick and easy to join, taking just a few minutes to register and browse local singles in Thornhill and nearby.
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Singles on local to Thornhill are from the following areas - Thornhill, Dumfries and Galloway and counties and towns in the area
brett, 41 Near Thornhill, Thornhill, Dumfries and Gallow...
Scotty, 40 Near Thornhill, Thornhill, Dumfries and Gallow...
simplestep, 62 Near Thornhill, Thornhill, Dumfries and Gallow...
johnb, 61 Near Thornhill, Thornhill, Dumfries and Gallow...
Geoff, 50 Near Thornhill, Thornhill, Dumfries and Gallow...
Matthew, 52 Near Thornhill, Thornhill, Dumfries and Gallow...
huggy bear, 49 Near Thornhill, Thornhill, Dumfries and Gallow...
Rovership, 60 Near Thornhill, Thornhill, Dumfries and Gallow...
BRAVO22, 58 Near Thornhill, Thornhill, Dumfries and Gallow...
uncomplicate, 43 Near Thornhill, Thornhill, Dumfries and Gallow...
marconii, 61 Near Thornhill, Thornhill, Dumfries and Gallow...
lesley, 60 Near Thornhill, Thornhill, Dumfries and Gallow...
LeTruke, 45 Near Thornhill, Thornhill, Dumfries and Gallow...
Sammy15, 37 Near Thornhill, Thornhill, Dumfries and Gallow...
Pixie, 60 Dumfries, Thornhill, Dumfries and Gallow...
MsRaspell, 52 Near Thornhill, Thornhill, Dumfries and Gallow...
lmotherwell1, 38 Near Thornhill, Thornhill, Dumfries and Gallow...
Jodz, 36 Near Thornhill, Thornhill, Dumfries and Gallow...
SUZETTE, 61 Near Thornhill, Thornhill, Dumfries and Gallow...
Cheeksh, 42 Near Thornhill, Thornhill, Dumfries and Gallow...
pam, 43 Near Thornhill, Thornhill, Dumfries and Gallow...
Milly567, 69 Near Thornhill, Thornhill, Dumfries and Gallow...
... romantic, loyal, honest, reliable, funny, and down to earth. I've wasted too much time with the wrong people and id like the next one to be the right one. I havent got kids but I do like kids. Romance would be great, but friendship would be cool also.
... kind, romantic and imaginative girl, who can love: I'm optimistic woman, I believe in all good, in people and their kindness. I'm sociable person. I like to have fun and to laugh and i have good sense of humor. I can say that I'm rather ambitious, self-confident. But like every romantic and sensitivity .I can do crazy funny deeds to which not everybody could risk. I am a devoted friend and will never leave in a difficult moment or in dangerous situation. I consid...(more)
... the coun tryside, especially in a deciduous forest, films, reading, science, spirituality, meditating, growing my own fruit and veg, baking, cooking, making jam and preserves.
Used to have a dream to travel the world, so I did, for the best part of 20 years by land and sea. Hey, someone has to be paid for crewing beautiful, huge sailing yachts across the oceans ;) These days I am happier with shorter trips, especially long weekends away to get some sun and cul...(more)
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