Interested in Stafford dating? Start online dating today!. Welcome to UrbanSocial - the online dating site for sociable local singles in Stafford and across the UK looking to find that someone special to date.
Looking for a date in Stafford? UrbanSocial online dating has been bringing genuine singles from across the UK together online for over a decade. With a wealth of experience behind us, our dating site has become an established and trusted brand in the industry. With an award winning blog, 24 hour customer support and a fully mobile site that is safe and secure, our singles are in good hands. It's also quick and easy to join, taking just a few minutes to register and browse local singles in Stafford and nearby.
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Singles on local to Stafford are from the following areas - Stafford, Staffordshire and counties and towns in the area
bob, 49 st16 1nu , Stafford, Staffordshire
tarzan7, 51 Near Stafford, Stafford, Staffordshire
country boy, 60 Near Stafford, Stafford, Staffordshire
ROY, 59 Near Stafford, Stafford, Shropshire / Staffo...
Mike, 48 Near Stafford, Stafford, Shropshire / Staffo...
dusty, 53 Near Stafford, Stafford, Staffordshire / Wes...
Ash, 64 Near Stafford, Stafford, Staffordshire / Wes...
Deadly Dave, 36 Near Stafford, Stafford, Staffordshire / Wes...
Raj, 47 Stafford, Staffordshire
rocko, 43 stafford, Stafford, Staffordshire
Ian30, 44 Stafford, Staffordshire
Anita, 60 stafford, Stafford, Staffordshire
paula, 51 stafford, Stafford, Staffordshire
blueheart, 59 Stafford, Staffordshire
wobblesflame, 59 Near Stafford, Stafford, Staffordshire
Panther, 53 Near Stafford, Stafford, Staffordshire / Wes...
Mand73, 51 Near Stafford, Stafford, Staffordshire
xcxoxlx, 36 Near Stafford, Stafford, Staffordshire
Jemima, 49 Near Stafford, Stafford, Staffordshire
Jo, 43 Staffordshire, Stafford, Staffordshire
marshmellows, 56 Stafford, Staffordshire
Helen, 50 Stafford, Staffordshire
... diy/interior design, gardening, competitor sport such as tennis,badminton,ten pin bowling, the great outdoors, dinner parties, nights in watching a movie, drinking red wine, eating pasta. I used to be very active, but seem to be lackin in direction and need someone special to put me back on the straight and narrow - spending far too much time infront of a pc!
... midwife, due to qualify in September 2005. I am fun and outgoing and am looking for someone trustworthy and honset.
... is my favourite (big Freddie Flintoff fan), going out and having fun but I also like to spend time reading etc
... up there as a child until the age of 15yrs old,I lived in numerous country's growing up in my early adult years,I have been in the entertainment industry for 18 years,I have appeared in numerous tv commercials west and soutn africa but right now am in nigeria working for a modeling agence .I'm a fun,active,sensative,moral oriented type of person...who's values are a constant reminder to myself and the people around me(very expressive,open)...I consider myself to be ...(more)
... professional person, pretty good looking and tactile and loving with a gsoh. Im looking for the same. Im mostly looking for someone who is pretty deep, intelligent who knows what it feels like to be in a crowde room and experience that sinking feeling of lonliness because you know you are with the wrong people, who can see a piece of driftwood, or hold a piece of smooth resined glass in the palm of their hand, thats been sculpted by the sea and be able to ...(more)
... I appreciate honesty highly. I have an enthusiastic and adventurous personality.
... say, one of my mates told me I was charming, loyal, fantastically funny, lovely, honest, sarcastic and good to have a lugh with.. Npw personally I think he was sucking up to me as I was cooking his tea.. But on the whole I would like to say I am at least most of those things.. I have my faults, but inthe owrds of that great musical song, I am what I am.. (okay, hands up who thought I was going to put down hakuna matata)
... love treating women how they deserve to be treated. Up for anythin, ill try anythin at least once. Trustworthy, caring, a good laugh. Just going into training to be a fireman.
... free, kind person that smiles alot. I am understanding, a good listener and im good company. Im fairly attactive and i am affectionate.
... looking man, I like to have a good laugh, I have a good sense of humour i can be a little sarcästic at times or cheeky but humour is good for you it keeps you young.I am quite useful around houses as i enjoy doing d.i.y jobs.
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