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Looking for a date in Portree? UrbanSocial online dating has been bringing genuine singles from across the UK together online for over a decade. With a wealth of experience behind us, our dating site has become an established and trusted brand in the industry. With an award winning blog, 24 hour customer support and a fully mobile site that is safe and secure, our singles are in good hands. It's also quick and easy to join, taking just a few minutes to register and browse local singles in Portree and nearby.
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Singles on local to Portree are from the following areas - Portree, Highlands and Western Isles and counties and towns in the area
kevin1979, 45 Near Portree, Portree, Western Isles / Hig...
chris, 44 Near Portree, Portree, Western Isles / Hig...
Michael, 46 Near Portree, Portree, Highlands and Weste...
Fraser, 51 Near Portree, Portree, Highlands and Weste...
welshhighlan, 47 Near Portree, Portree, Highlands and Weste...
Ed, 54 Near Portree, Portree, Highlands and Weste...
bazarolly, 54 Near Portree, Portree, Highlands and Weste...
Cuillin, 62 Portree, Highlands and Weste...
farky, 60 Near Portree, Portree, Western Isles / Hig...
Ali firefig, 35 Near Portree, Portree, Western Isles / Hig...
FreeBhikku, 42 Near Portree, Portree, Highlands and Weste...
Charming88, 36 Near Portree, Portree, Highlands and Weste...
debbie, 58 Near Portree, Portree, Highlands and Weste...
sslinton, 40 Near Portree, Portree, Highlands and Weste...
fi246, 50 Near Portree, Portree, Highlands and Weste...
Me, 54 Near Portree, Portree, Highlands and Weste...
Anne, 69 Near Portree, Portree, Highlands and Weste...
Sona Bean, 63 Near Portree, Portree, Highlands and Weste...
Highland_Jew, 56 Near Portree, Portree, Highlands and Weste...
Roxy, 40 Portree, Highlands and Weste...
Bonnie, 38 Portree, Highlands and Weste...
who,me?, 68 Near Portree, Portree, Highlands and Weste...
... California for my job as a chef. I am hoping to met someone to hang out with and have some fun with and if it goes further... thats cool but if not that is cool too. I like men who are confident but not rude, enjoy a good dirty joke, gets dry witty humor and isn't, well, I am just going to say it, a butt-head. I am looking for someone who can go out for a well crafted pint and make me laugh (which is not hard) I am not looking for someone who causes drama or plays games. ...(more)
... seeks educated woman. I am a civilian working in the defence sector on the west coast of Scotland and I enjoy outdoor pursuits. At home I spend a lot of time reading or listening to Radio 4. I used to enjoy theatre but have little opportunity to go nowadays. I think my views tend to be fairly conservative (with a small "c") and I am cautious in forming relationships but am open to friendship or love. I am a Morgan driver. I think maybe my sense of humour is a lit...(more)
... season. I am considering relocating, having just returned from an adventure abroad; and so I am keen to meet people in the areas that I might move to. The Isle of Skye is a beautiful place but not ideal for following every opportunity.
... �I enjoy cycling when the weather is better, football (watching and playing... badly) cars and messing with them, going for drives,going for weekends away, �movies of all descriptions,socialising with my friends, tried a bit of diving in sunnier climates!, motorsport... But equally relaxed at home with a cup of tea or cuddled up on the sofa with the right person. � I'm originally from Scotland but spent most of my life in Newcästle, Ive just moved up here to sunny Skye r...(more)
... motorcycles.......................................................................................................................................................................
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